Vishnu Vittel
Executive Director
Based out of Coimbatore and Chennai, Grand World Elder Care provides a wide range of services such as outpatient consultation including on a subscription basis, home health care services, assisted living services in facilities, physiotherapy, monthly geriatrician review, 24x7 emergency care, dementia care, palliative care, and medicine management, among others. “When a family gives the responsibility of an elderly to us, they have the advantage of the entire range of elder care services provided by a single professional organization. We are a one stop solution provider right from providing care for activities of daily living, acute nursing, expert reviews management in tertiary hospitals, chronic disease care, palliative care and memory care. We have a qualified team of healthcare professionals to assist them in every stage. We have a comprehensive training programme for all nurses in Geriatric Care excellence. All the nurses are well versed with management of patient and are on the constant look out for tell tale signs of deterioration”, says Vishnu Vittel, Executive Director, Grand World Elder Care.
Assisted Living Facilities
Grand World Assisted Living Facility is an exclusive private facility for elderly people who require residential care for a variety of reasons. This facility provides patients with the comfort of a home in an apt atmosphere as well as the advantage of professional care service. Grand World's Assisted Living Facilities offers rehabilitative and restorative care, respite care, end-of lifecare, Alzheimers and dementia care and post surgery care among other services.
Grand Worlds nurses understand elders very well and put whole hearted efforts to match the love and affection provided by the family. The company provides the needed expertise of medical and technically qualified Doctors, Nurses and Paramedics for home visits. Further, life easing technology devices are provided so as to make healthy living easier at home.
Furthermore, Grand World's geriatric physical therapists are experts in treating illnesses and ailments that affect the elderly. Physiotherapists play an essential role in enabling older people to fully utilize several body systems in order to increase mobility and independence. Adding to this, Grand World's geriatric psychology plays an important part in the health of the aged population, assisting older people in coping with and understanding disorders that affect them emotionally and physically.
Grand World Elder Care is a one stop solution provider right from providing care for activities of daily living, to providing care for post-surgery and chronic disease care at home and Assisted living Facilities
Grand World Elder Care has implemented a comprehensive managed service with strict quality control in place. Grand World also has clinics where elderly patients can come for preventive care on a regular basis. Grand World’s doctors ensure that elders receive optimum treatment. Grand World Elder Care has robust training procedures, with training lasting for 8-15 days. Employees at Grand World's facility receive numerous practical training sessions to discover how elders are cared for in real time. Further, Grand World tailors its services as per the needs of specific elders. Today, the company prides itself due to its professionalism, call to action, ongoing care, and the fact that all services are offered under one roof.

“We have a number of affiliations with prominent hospitals and professional specialists. So, we are a community that tries to assist the doctors, and they would like to support us and our patients whenever the need arises”, adds Vishnu.
Staying Relevant With the Changing Market Dynamics
Grand World Elder Care has also been integrating cutting-edge technologies to drive much needed innovation while maintaining service quality. The company is also concentrating on providing the necessary transparency for family members. For example, Grand World Elder Care mobile apps for both personnel and patients have been developed to ensure seamless operations. “We hope to expand our services to more locations in the next couple of years”, concludes Vishnu.