
D2C: By The Push Of A Button, Food Is Delivered From Shop-To-Home

Don't you think not eating chips & chocolates, chats & ice-cream, coffee & sandwich for a week increases your cravings?
Indeed! Whether you are a teenager, adult or aged person cravings has no end, in fact in every stage of our life 'food' is very important. Heart always desires for preferred delicacies. The world is progressing when it comes to food and their choices. Thus, the demand for various types of food & beverage is escalating. When the demand is growing, definitely the food & beverage manufacturing companies are consistently thriving for innovation with the essence of technology.

Don't you think we juggle between mind and heart when it comes to food and being healthy?
Indeed! As mind alerts to follow diet, whereas heart encourages cheating diet. Food is important to satisfy our hunger, but healthy food helps in maintaining good health and nutrition. Back to Covid-19, it triggered many aspects in our life one among them is being hygienic and being healthy! From then onwards, we are looking forward for healthy and fit lifestyle and binging on Plant-based food, gluten free snacks, and sugar-free juices.

Back to the time of Pandemic, grocery shopping was difficult, so online grocery shopping evolved and transformed peoples ideology from preferring brick and mortar restaurants and grocery shops to online, e-Commerce shopping. Challenging task became boon to the consumers and online grocery shopping witnessed ever-growing demand. From then till now this trending option has boosted multiple opportunities and trends in F&B industry. Due to cut-throat competition in the F&B industry, digital game is slicing and dicing various innovative concepts tailoring to our new normal needs and lifestyle.

So, what's emerging as new trends? Streamlining the costs and maximizing the profitability, F&B businesses are evolving with trends & techniques like Direct-to-consumers, where consumers need not visit brick and mortar shops; instead they can place an order from anywhere, anytime. In today's context technology is booming in bottleneck speed and F& B companies are generating ideas like better check out options, where consumers can check-out various brands and options to fulfill their need, buy now pay later option which is trending because it is all about grab now, pay later and models like one-off purchase and subscription helps F&B companies to increase the connectivity and retain their regular customers.

Reviews are great, profit is fueling-up and the F& B industry is skyrocketing its profits due to none other than outstanding trend, Direct to Consumers (D2C). Buying and selling is no more a difficult task, in fact it is one of the customized, personalized and advanced ideology which is benefitting both company and customers. Further it has given rise to food products like ready to make which is a boon for students and office going consumers, who can just order online and cook immediately following hassle-free procedures for an example 2 minutes Knor soup. So, Concepts like from-shop-to-table and from-shop-to-lunch box is significantly increasing.

As a result, customers have a positive association and this is trending, caring, and expanding distribution and getting closer to the consumers. Adjusting to the new normal, it is undoubtedly driving additional revenue and delivering a stellar customer experience.