
Data & Analytics is very important to boost Sales & Profit

In the vast realm of data analytics in India, business strategies & standards are completely revamped, the data extracted using various effective & easy to access AI tools are helping utmost all the industries to boost their productivity and profitability. Today, preparing data and analyzing is not at all difficult, all thanks to science & technology and advanced tools. What is very important and quite tricky in today’s cut-throat competition is how do you outstand in the market? When we have great data analysts and scientists nothing to fear, instead it is mandatory to identify who are your competitors in the market and further leverage martech constructively for sales and promotion.

“Knowing your competition is key to staying relevant. Use data analytics to gather as much information on competitors as possible, then use it in your sales strategy,” suggests Seth Besse, CEO, Undivided.

And if I am not wrong, Decemeber is one of the most awaited months, since its Christmas and New Year time, our mind needs some rest. So, during vacations, it is family & friends time. Simultaneously, this is the appropriate time for business too. Things like holiday homes, wine & dine restaurants, resorts, all these things are demand of the hour. In order to optimize sales and profit, distilling data is the major step. From analyzing the trends to what customers wants, data helps in scrutinizing creative ideas and innovation to stay unique and run the business smoothly and hassle-free. Therefore, data analytics will surely throw light on in depth insights and knowledge about every aspect of business whether it is about production, sales, marketing, logistics, investments, anything and everything can be analyzed and planned.

As a result, determine data accurately through research in order to kick-start your business during the season of joy & happiness. Research well to bring smiles on consumers and earn amazing outcomes for your business.

Holidays are a great time to make some extra sales and get your profits up before the end of the year. As long as you prepare for an influx of customers ahead of time, profits should soar,” explains Dominique Zimmermann, CEO & Head Designer, Bombshell Sportswear.