• ZAZZY: Redefining Branding, Design, & Technology with a Holistic Approach
  • Cover Story

    ZAZZY: Redefining Branding, Design, & Technology with a Holistic Approach

    In the dynamic and fiercely competitive world of business, startups face the daunting task of carving out a niche for themselves and gaining a foothold in their respective markets. To achieve this, it is imperative for startups to invest in developing a strong brand that distinguishes them from their competitors and leaves a lasting impression on the customers. A well-designed visual identity is an essential component of building a brand that is memorable and recognizable. ZAZZY, a brand development startup based in Pune, is determined to make waves in the competitive world of digital transformation by thinking outside the box and going the extra mile for its clients.


Business Growth Opportunities at the Edge

Varun Chhabra, Senior Vice President-Product Marketing Dell Technologies

Tips to Boost your App Visibility

Bhavesh Talreja, CEO, Globale Media

The Unparalleled Advantage SEO Brings to a Marketing Strategy

Kaushal Thakkar, Founder & MD, Infidigit

How is Technology Reviving Business?

Hamid Farooqui, CEO, SogoSurvey