
Mavyn : Revolutionizing Logistics with Digital Transformation in Transportation

Sachin JKS haritasH,Founder & CEO

Sachin JKS haritasH

Founder & CEO

The logistics tech startup market is rapidly evolving, driven by innovations in digital tracking, route optimization, and automated warehousing. These startups leverage advanced technologies such as AI, IoT, and blockchain to enhance supply chain efficiency, reduce costs, and improve transparency. As the demand for streamlined, data-driven logistics solutions grows, these companies are shaping the future of logistics.

Mavyn, established in 2019, is one such player in the market founded with a clear mission to create a fully digital, paperless, and faceless logistics business paradigm. With extensive experience in the logistics industry, particularly at Chetak Logistics, the founder of Mavyn was inspired to create a more scalable and efficient business model. Having observed the cash and people-dependent nature of traditional logistics operations, where disruptions often occurred due to reliance on manual processes and personnel, the vision was clear: to build a process-driven, digital model. The core objective was to eliminate the need for physical documents, making the system less dependent on individuals and more focused on seamless operations through technology.

Mavyn’s mission is to provide scalable, cost-effective logistics services by leveraging digital tools and reducing operational costs to as low as 1 percent. Operating across 70 to 75 routes nationwide, the firm envisions becoming a pan-India leader in the trucking industry, offering both profitability and efficiency while passing on significant savings to customers through its innovative business model. The firm has introduced innovations such as digital proof of delivery (POD), predictive route tracking, and dynamic pricing similar to airline models, ensuring optimal efficiency. "During the COVID-19 pandemic, our remote and digital processes allowed operations to continue uninterrupted, earning recognition across the industry", addsSachin JKS haritasH, Founder & CEO.

Setting New Standards in the Logistics Industry

Mavyn provides comprehensive trucking solutions across various routes, offering a range of truck types tailored to customer needs. Additionally, the firm is piloting two innovative services: last-mile delivery and virtual warehousing. Virtual warehousing allows customers to book warehouse space online, facilitating seamless unloading and storage during transport. These new models are currently being pilot-tested by select customers. To remain unique and innovative in the competitive logistics industry, the company ensures customers receive timely updates within four hours of their order placement. The firm continuously onboards new clients to offer the most competitive
pricing. It also expands its shipments to serve ad-hoc and contract customers, including major clients like Flipkart, Zomato, and Swiggy.

The firm leverages advanced technology to optimize e-commerce shipping and order management, particularly in full truckload operations. By mapping and integrating Flipkart’s warehouses into its system, Mavyn provides real-time data on vehicle status, identifying reasons for delays, such as space or pallet constraints. The firm’s software offers route optimization through a driver app, guiding drivers on the most cost-effective and efficient routes. The app also calculates fuel and toll charges for different routes, enabling drivers to make informed decisions on saving time or reducing costs. Its tech-driven approach helps minimize operational inefficiencies, enhancing delivery speed and cost management.

Mavyn employs advanced tech solutions for logistics management, including a subscription-based platform that enables customers to analyze past freight data and spot rate fluctuations throughout the year. This allows them to make informed decisions on whether to opt for contractual or ad-hoc logistics services. Additionally, the firm leverages artificial intelligence to introduce dynamic pricing, similar to airline ticket pricing, helping customers discover optimal rates based on historical data and predictive models. This price discovery mechanism continuously evolves, offering users real-time insights and cost-effective logistics solutions tailored to their needs.

Mavyn’s tech-driven approach helps minimize operational inefficiencies, enhancing delivery speed & cost management

The firm built its brand identity during the COVID-19 pandemic, gaining organic exposure through extensive media coverage. With over 37 articles published on its digital tracking solutions, Mavyn's paperless and faceless logistics model became a company go-to, especially during the crisis when documentation was challenging. The firm’s ability to continue operations, transporting essential goods while adhering to a fully digital process, positioned it as a reliable and innovative solution in the logistics industry. This organic brand marketing aligned with the company’s core goals of promoting digital logistics. It further strengthened its reputation by introducing innovative solutions like inventory management and virtual warehousing, enhancing customer satisfaction.

“We have consistently received positive client feedback, particularly for its strong long-haul transportation services. Clients have expressed appreciation for our ability to integrate long-haul operations with last-mile delivery, providing a comprehensive logistics solution. This eliminates the need for clients to seek different providers, ensuring a seamless experience. With the added advantage of warehousing solutions and the backing of Chetak Logistics’ multimodal transportation expertise, Mavyn’s digital platform is seen as the future of logistics”, elaborates Arun Arora, Director.

Looking ahead Mavyn’s futuristic goals include expanding from B2B to B2C, offering last-mile delivery services directly to consumers. Additionally, the company plans to enhance its warehousing solutions and introduce drone services. With a qualified drone operator onboard, it aims to provide aerial mapping and drone services as part of its Software as a Service (SaaS) offerings. These innovations are expected to launch strategically, with last-mile delivery services set to debut in the NCR region by Diwali. Moreover, as India prepares for commercial drone use, Mavyn is already positioned to capitalize on this technology, offering clients cutting-edge solutions.