• Best Insurance Startups - 2020
  • Best Insurance Startups - 2020

    The Indian market holds immense potential in the life and non-life insurance space. A nation of more than 1.3 billion people, 250 residential houses, more than 250 million registered vehicles and various other avenues for bolstering the need for insurance, India is sitting on a massive insurance opportunity. It is also important to note that of this huge market the country only has a 3.7 percent insurance penetration. The country's insurance market holds a 1.7 percent share in the global market. The good news is that according to reports, this number is slated to swell to 2.3 percent by 2030. The responsibility to increase insurance penetration across the Indian market has been taken upon by the country's growing number of insurance startups. Keeping pace with today's consumers who...

Company of the Year
Entrepreneur Year Review

Renee and Digvijaya: entrepreneur year review (cosmetics)

Aashka Goradia, Founder, Renee Cosmetics


How Startup Funding Can Help In Economic Growth

Pravin Khandelwal, Managing Director, Pranay Care Pvt Ltd and Director, Leadership & Motivation, Risers Accelerator

Residency Vs. Citizenship - Understanding The Differences

Jeff DeCicco, CEO, CanAm Investor Services

Shaping Urban Identity Through Facade Design & Innovation

RohitSuraj, CEO & Design Director, Urban Zen

Disruption in Technology & Digital Trends in the Marketing Landscape

Maddie Amrutkar, Founder & CEO, Glad U Came

How Technology Is Paving Way for Remote Onboardingina Contactless World

Sandeep Anandampillai, CO-Founder & CPO, Crediwatch

The Digital Upheaval and Customer Experience (CX)

Mohan Krishnaraj, Vice President & Global Head, HARMAN International (A Samsung Company)