
It's All In The Realm Of Science

Tuesday, 07 June 2022, 12:41 IST
DeepTech will be at the center of the next wave of information disruption. Having said that, can we really distinguish between deep tech, deep learning, neural network, AI, ML etc.? From the top he may seemingly sound and be interpreted as cousins. Well, not exactly. Deep technology (hard tech) is a type of organization, or more commonly a start-up company, whose stated purpose is to provide technology solutions based on noteworthy scientific or engineering issues.

Such issues create difficulties that necessitate extensive research and development as well as a sizable capital investment before they can be successfully commercialized. Deeptech startups are tasked with resolving some of the world's most difficult problems. DeepTech businesses are those business models that are founded on high-tech innovation that makes use of current technological advancements in a variety of fields.

DeepTech solutions are currently being used by 19 percent of tech start-ups to establish product competencies for market expansion. Technical risk is the most significant risk in a deep tech or hard tech company, but the market risk is frequently substantially smaller due to the potential value of the solution to society. Deep tech and hard tech companies solve underlying scientific or engineering difficulties that generate a valuable intellectual property that is difficult to replicate.

Undoubtedly, India has undergone a digital transformation during the previous decade. The ecosystem of technology start-ups has witnessed rapid expansion. Deep technologies will be at the center of the next wave of information disruption, thanks to the ongoing technological revolution.