
Top Officials Of OYO Pools Angel Investments Through Raaga Partners

Wednesday, 06 November 2019, 17:05 IST
Si TeamOYO CEO Rithesh Agarwal and other top officials of the company are to pool individual angel investments into Raaga Partners. This entity would act as a pooled investment platform for Oyo to bid on selective startups. The act reflects the efforts by India's giant go-getters including Snapdeal founders Kunal Bahl and Rohit Bansal to create separate
portal for funding other startups.

Business intelligence platform notes that Raaga Partners set up in 2016 names Abhishek Gupta, CFO and Agarwal as the designated partners.

Business development head, Anuj Tejpal; COO Abhinav Sinha and Chief Supply Officer Ayush Mathur are also termed as partners.

It also stated "This appears to be a pooled investment vehicle for founding team at Oyo to make collective bets on select startups and at this point, does not appear to have any other connection to Oyo,"

ET reported Agarwal saying, "I am focused on building Oyo and that is what keeps me completely busy... I have made just a couple of such angel investments in companies recommended by trusted leaders of industry."