
10 interesting facts about start-ups- At a snapshot!

By Aparna RoyAn exorbitant upsurge in start-ups is the most scintillating thing to see in the global economy today. Start-ups are nothing but an innovative idea that dwells in the mind of an enthusiast who wants to venture something of his own. It has proffered ample opportunities to many aspiring youths.
However, stepping into the world of commerce and trade and giving shape to one’s idea is like fighting tooth and nails. Nevertheless, buoyant people are wilfully adhering entrepreneurship, sculpting their objectives.
Hence we are listing out a few interesting facts about start-ups that can leave you startled.

1. Newbies are born in every 60 seconds. It appears that about 3 new start-ups arrive in the market every second. If statistics are to be believed, around 11,000 new start-ups are launched every hour.
2. India stands in the third place as the largest tech start-ups in the World.
3. It is said that start-ups which have two or more founders have more success.
4. It is said that many people come up with the idea of a star up due to lack of employment or while they are working in some other organization.
5. According to Noam Wasserman, author of “The Founder’s Dilemma”, about 80% of the start-up founders do not care much about splitting their equity.
6. There’s nothing called the right time of starting a business. The right time is to find the idea you are passionate about.
7. 95% of entrepreneurs cradling successful start-ups, at least hold a Bachelor’s degree. Many are college dropouts as well.
8. The industries which witness the most number of start-ups are the Finance industry, Insurance and Real Estates.
9. Unlike before, startups can raise funding from a lot of sources like angel funding or crowdfunding.
10. Start-ups are said to provide 3 million jobs in their first year.

Thus if your inventive mind is triggering you to plunge into the paddocks of start-ups, these facts must give you a small picture of the start-up world there.

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