ClimateTech Startups: Embracing Climate-friendly Lifestyle & Technology to Fix Climate Change

Pollution and global warming are the most searched and talked words over this recent decade we belong. Earth was a heaven when human started exploring and exploiting the mother earth. We can’t come to a conclusion with a saying that, we should stop progressing, or we should stop innovating. Right! What we can do is protecting our holder earth from danger and redresses the level of pollution so that, every species on this beautiful planet can exist peacefully with fresh air and water.
To boost the concept of pollution control and aware every human being on earth 22nd April was declared as ‘World Earth Day’ by United Nations. This year the theme of World Earth Day is ‘Planet vs. Plastics’. The focal aim of this theme is to spread awareness about the health hazards and by 2030, EARTHDAY.ORG, the global organizer of Earth Day wants to wipe out a single trace of plastics from earth.
According to Air Quality Index India, the level of particulate pollution has surged drastically. From 1998 to 2021, the average pollution level was increased by 67.7% while the average life expectancy has been reduced to 2.3 years. According to last year’s Global Air quality Index, India ranked 147, which is very poor.
Science and technology are uplifting the skill and developing the nation’s presence in worldwide to stay unique and up-to-date. But, in running behind the ultimate success, we are forgetting our roots. We are inventing and innovating new things and ideas but, neglecting the environment which is indirectly affecting the whole environment like a boomerang with even more dreadful effects.
“Nature provides a free lunch, but only if we control our appetites”, -William Ruckelshaus
Climate Technology
Climate technology is a boon to both mankind and environment as it is balancing the natural ecosystem by removing those clutters we have purposefully created in the environment. Climate technologies are focusing on the ways which can magnify our ability to mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change. Since the inception of green revolution, industrial revolution, our environment has started deteriorating rapidly, but with advancements in climate technologies like green energies, carbon capture technologies are working as the sleepless knights which are protecting us unconditionally. The impact of these technologies is vital, widespread and significant.
Harness the efficiency of TECHNOLOGYy, start the green energy revolution TODAY, aim for greener, cleaner, and sustainable future TOMORROW