
Create an Impactful Today & Tomorrow with Technology as Digital Frontier



It is a Bangalore based Cyber security platform founded by Sashank Dara (Co-Founder & CTO) and Chethan Anand (Co-Founder & CEO) in 2017. The company was founded with a vision to safeguard IT organizations by offering them an integrated system to identify the risk posture and their impact on company health. They have introduced a holistic approach of real-time risk posture with zero human error. Their products and services are SaaS based Cloud delivered simple and secure. With a rich experience of 35+years the founders are focusing on expanding their market in different direction of the world.

Founded by Vishal Bajpai, it is a cybersecurity startup that incorporates advanced technology and creative techniques, including its behavioral analysis system. This unique approach monitors the conduct of devices and systems to identify abnormalities or upcoming dangers otherwise undetected by traditional security measures. Thus, it bolsters clients' safeguarding efforts with an additional layer of protection against potential attacks. In their latest funding round, the company secured $3.5M in investments for their comprehensive cyber-security software platform featuring continuous monitoring that delivers real-time insights about any suspicious activity or vulnerability capable of preventing devastating breaches while minimizing damage incurred from successful intrusions on affected systems.


Anshul and Asish Saxena founded a platform focused on providing AI-based network and application security solution in 2015. With their extensive background in cyber security audit, compliance, and training they sought to create an integrated solution that could secure their operational infrastructure. This led them to develop the world's first Integrated WAF & DDoS mitigation solution which continuously "Detects, Mitigates & Monitors" network applications for protection against Web Application attacks and DDoS threats. The platform offers total WAF/DDoS security through an On-Premise appliance retrieval system along with comprehensive protection from potential assaults of this nature.