Following The Footsteps of Technology Tourism Industry Is Accelerating the Pace of Progress

The cut-throat competition in this corporate driven world don’t let us spend even a momentous pleasure but it is extracting all the energies against a lucrative salary in the end of the month. We the victims of this corporate empire get very little time to eat, drink and rest, if we don’t utilize this little leisure effectively, the whole day will be dreadful for us to survive. Amidst this hectic and bustling life, we need our mind and body to be rejuvenated so that they can work parallel. Traveling is the panacea of all these.
Importance of travel: Whenever we visit some place in order to travel it enhances the way of living, it allows us to explore new things and new horizons which introduces us to a new phase of exploring life being at the different land forms on the earth, enhances our way of thinking, changes the vision and mission of life. We get to know many new things when we come across different cultures, food, customs, relationships, dressings. Visiting historical places, we get to know many unknown data and information which we can’t get from bookish knowledge. It somehow enriches our thoughts and ideas. On the top, which makes the travel most important it allows us to escape from our fast and frantic life and permit us to rest and relax for someday surrendering ourselves in the lap of nature. Tourism helps a particular region to grow economically and helps people around the globe to know about the art, culture and craft of that place and preserves the local heritage which receives the light of commercialization through this. The local products made exclusively by the natives of that place can be curated in the museums or art galleries can be a visiting place for the travelers from there travelers can collect some pieces of their choice as the memoir.Thus, it enriches the economy of that nation to a great extent.
Changing trend of travel and tourism: Travel and Tourism industry is meeting some extraordinary advantages and unprecedented progression with the advancement of science and technology. Digital transformation has helped the travel and tourism industry to walk towards personalization and customization. People around the globe who has ever experienced customized traveling, always stick to that system because of its flexible choices and hassle-free traveling. The personalization is based on characteristics, preferences, behaviors, and unique individual needs. This can be applied in every stratum of travelling like from decision making, research on places, booking for accommodation, restaurants to choosing for activities everything is attached to a string properly with the help of artificial intelligence. Whenever we pay for a holiday, we want to feel at home and at the same time want to be treated as special and valued. If it happens, the brand achieves the customer loyalty.
Significance of customized travelling: After the thud of pandemic, the travel and tourism industry collapsed very badly. After getting over of ill-effects of it, the industry started soaring again enriching the GDP of the country. According to the report of World Tourism Organization, the travel and tourism industry has contributed $2,750.7 billion which is 3.2% of the GDP, $2,849.2billion in 2019 consisting 3.6% of the GDP and this went down to $22.6 billion in 2020, which is expected to grow till $447.3 billion by 2030 with a CAGR of 17.8%.
Connect the Customer with brand: The customized travelling helps the travel agent or companies to connect to their customer well by using the AI Chatbot. Customer service chatbots are helping the customers getting prompt response to their queries. When the chatbots are trained very efficiently it helps the travelers to travel with safety.
Targeted email and personalized messages: Whenever you book a hotel or plan a holiday with a travel company, they assign a travel partner or guide who personally connect to us to ask about the priorities and choices. When he gets to know about our choices through personal messages or emails, he promptly plans the itinerary. He also provides some satisfactory services like free coffee, foreign liquor, flowers or welcome drinks which pleases the customer and also they arrange some small event as per the choice like dinner date, pool party etc. These increases the number of return customers.
Plan for hassle free and safe holiday: Personalized booking helps you to choose the type of room, accessories, food and beverages. Earlier we used to carry all the belongings of daily need with us but now all hotels provide the basic need products likes shampoo, comb, body wash, moisturizer tooth paste, hair dryer, even bathrobes and slippers. Also, they provide, electric kettles sachets of coffee or tea bags in every rooms. These service helps every traveler to travel hassle-freely reducing some portion of their luggage.
Use of travel profiling: Travel profiling is one of most vital and critical data driven system harnessing the power of AI Algorithm and Machine learning. This system is quite famous in marketing and customer care industry but now gaining importance in travel industry. AI based machine learning and algorithms works as the store house of personalized data which helps the customer to search for any destination very easily using the previous data and search the results keeping in mind the previous choices.
Fostering the market value: In terms of services, the cruise line personalization has witnessed the major growth with CAGR of 20.5%. depending on the mode of booking, OTA platform was valued $22.6 billion covered the24.8% of the global personalized travel. Depending on the age group segment the baby boomers or the people of sexagenarian and septuagenarian covers the highest growth with CAGR 18.4% in personalized travelling.
Conclusion: With the advent of modern technology the travel and tourism industry has come a long way. From Dystopic concept that was undesirable and gradually it transmigrated towards utopian concept. Before the customers were not given option to choose as per their choice, in any phase of travelling, at the same time people could not feel fresh and free where fooding and lodging is not customized and also food was not available in every cuisine. On the other hand, in utopian concept it allows the consumer to meet the best facilities and services being connected to the nature and safe environment by choosing the services as per their need and necessity. Technology of today brings the best experiences in terms of services and sharing the lion’s share of GDP and magnifying the business giving it a wing to fly.
Importance of travel: Whenever we visit some place in order to travel it enhances the way of living, it allows us to explore new things and new horizons which introduces us to a new phase of exploring life being at the different land forms on the earth, enhances our way of thinking, changes the vision and mission of life. We get to know many new things when we come across different cultures, food, customs, relationships, dressings. Visiting historical places, we get to know many unknown data and information which we can’t get from bookish knowledge. It somehow enriches our thoughts and ideas. On the top, which makes the travel most important it allows us to escape from our fast and frantic life and permit us to rest and relax for someday surrendering ourselves in the lap of nature. Tourism helps a particular region to grow economically and helps people around the globe to know about the art, culture and craft of that place and preserves the local heritage which receives the light of commercialization through this. The local products made exclusively by the natives of that place can be curated in the museums or art galleries can be a visiting place for the travelers from there travelers can collect some pieces of their choice as the memoir.Thus, it enriches the economy of that nation to a great extent.
Changing trend of travel and tourism: Travel and Tourism industry is meeting some extraordinary advantages and unprecedented progression with the advancement of science and technology. Digital transformation has helped the travel and tourism industry to walk towards personalization and customization. People around the globe who has ever experienced customized traveling, always stick to that system because of its flexible choices and hassle-free traveling. The personalization is based on characteristics, preferences, behaviors, and unique individual needs. This can be applied in every stratum of travelling like from decision making, research on places, booking for accommodation, restaurants to choosing for activities everything is attached to a string properly with the help of artificial intelligence. Whenever we pay for a holiday, we want to feel at home and at the same time want to be treated as special and valued. If it happens, the brand achieves the customer loyalty.
Significance of customized travelling: After the thud of pandemic, the travel and tourism industry collapsed very badly. After getting over of ill-effects of it, the industry started soaring again enriching the GDP of the country. According to the report of World Tourism Organization, the travel and tourism industry has contributed $2,750.7 billion which is 3.2% of the GDP, $2,849.2billion in 2019 consisting 3.6% of the GDP and this went down to $22.6 billion in 2020, which is expected to grow till $447.3 billion by 2030 with a CAGR of 17.8%.
Connect the Customer with brand: The customized travelling helps the travel agent or companies to connect to their customer well by using the AI Chatbot. Customer service chatbots are helping the customers getting prompt response to their queries. When the chatbots are trained very efficiently it helps the travelers to travel with safety.
Targeted email and personalized messages: Whenever you book a hotel or plan a holiday with a travel company, they assign a travel partner or guide who personally connect to us to ask about the priorities and choices. When he gets to know about our choices through personal messages or emails, he promptly plans the itinerary. He also provides some satisfactory services like free coffee, foreign liquor, flowers or welcome drinks which pleases the customer and also they arrange some small event as per the choice like dinner date, pool party etc. These increases the number of return customers.
Plan for hassle free and safe holiday: Personalized booking helps you to choose the type of room, accessories, food and beverages. Earlier we used to carry all the belongings of daily need with us but now all hotels provide the basic need products likes shampoo, comb, body wash, moisturizer tooth paste, hair dryer, even bathrobes and slippers. Also, they provide, electric kettles sachets of coffee or tea bags in every rooms. These service helps every traveler to travel hassle-freely reducing some portion of their luggage.
Use of travel profiling: Travel profiling is one of most vital and critical data driven system harnessing the power of AI Algorithm and Machine learning. This system is quite famous in marketing and customer care industry but now gaining importance in travel industry. AI based machine learning and algorithms works as the store house of personalized data which helps the customer to search for any destination very easily using the previous data and search the results keeping in mind the previous choices.
Fostering the market value: In terms of services, the cruise line personalization has witnessed the major growth with CAGR of 20.5%. depending on the mode of booking, OTA platform was valued $22.6 billion covered the24.8% of the global personalized travel. Depending on the age group segment the baby boomers or the people of sexagenarian and septuagenarian covers the highest growth with CAGR 18.4% in personalized travelling.
Conclusion: With the advent of modern technology the travel and tourism industry has come a long way. From Dystopic concept that was undesirable and gradually it transmigrated towards utopian concept. Before the customers were not given option to choose as per their choice, in any phase of travelling, at the same time people could not feel fresh and free where fooding and lodging is not customized and also food was not available in every cuisine. On the other hand, in utopian concept it allows the consumer to meet the best facilities and services being connected to the nature and safe environment by choosing the services as per their need and necessity. Technology of today brings the best experiences in terms of services and sharing the lion’s share of GDP and magnifying the business giving it a wing to fly.