
Funding the Future to Create a Smart World: Startups Steering B2B & D2C Innovation


As the customer base of India is rising massively, the Indian B2B & D2C landscape is gaining momentum all over the world. Driven by innovative strategies and ever-evolving consumer demands, the startup ecosystem of India is experiencing a vibrant growth in B2B and D2C marketplace ventures.

In this highly competitive marketplace, startups are emerging in diverse categories such as service marketplaces, product marketplaces, marketplace infrastructure, & so on. As per the report released by Bessemer Venture Partners, the online B2B market of India is likely to grow $200 billion by the year 2030. Meanwhile, the Indian D2C market is geared up to hit 61.3 billion by the financial year 2027.

B2B startups are restructuring the business operations by leveraging advanced technologies. On the other hand, D2C startups are amplifying the consumer engagement with Omni channel presence, tailored marketing, and sustainable approaches.

Let’s delve into the article to witness several contributory strategies and factors that propelled startups to evolve and move forward towards gigantic success in a short span of time and reflect their adaptability in a competitive market.

Technological Integration & Automation: Incorporating the new-age technologies including AI, machine learning, and block chain in their processes, startups are streamlining the operations, enhancing the supply chain efficiency and offering data-driven insights for informed decision making. Brands utilize the algorithms of AI to examine the past purchase rates, patterns, searching history, and preferences. By doing this, they can offer tailored website experiences and personalized product recommendations for each and every user.