
Inspiring Stories to Ignite the Spirit of Startups – Unleashing the Potential of Entrepreneurship

In the vast phase of dynamic world, the thought of “Desire to do something new” has been rigorously piloting the people dare to face challenges in order to achieve success in interested areas. Beginning a startup is fairy tale in India as the increased accessibility of market potential continuously attracting the young entrepreneurs. If you are with strong determination and hunger to create impact in society, then the startup landscape of India opens a numerous doors to dive and play. Whether to start up a new journey or to extend your business, all you need to understand is the procedure from the scratch.

It is essential to know the factual circumstances in the industry rather than dreaming about your own assumptions. Associated with skills and ideas, intending the inspiring stories of successful entrepreneurs in industry can motivate and inspire your mind to begin your journey of entrepreneurship. In India, there is a pool of well established entrepreneurs who all started their business from scratch and became rage to rich with nothing but having a powerful ambition, potential, strength to defy all the odds. Their stories will definitely streamline your hope and drive the journey into remarkable feast. In such case, we are delighted to furnish five major successful stories of Indian entrepreneurs in this article that will navigate you in victorious route.

Nagavara Ramarao Narayana Murthy – INFOSYS
“You do not have to be the son of a rich man to be an entrepreneur. Today kids are far more willing to take risks because they've seen high rewards”, - N. R. Narayana Murthy

Though Murthy was born in middle class family, he showed exceptional academic performance in studies. He was appointed as chief systems programmer at IIM. He indeed served an extraordinary service for the institute as research associate for years. Despite Murthy’s career path elevated, he had a desire to start an entrepreneurial venture. When he conveyed his desire, his father did not allow him as they had no sufficient resources. After some years, at the time of dating his future wife Sudha Murthy, he started IT firm called Softronics in pune. Unfortunately the firm failed to excel within 1.5 years after its inception. After marriage, Mrs. Murthy noticed that Mr. Murthy was very much fond of beginning a new journey as an entrepreneur. Do you know that Infosys was started with the investment of just Rs.10,000? Yes! You heard it right!

Mrs. Murthy supported her husband thoroughly in fulfilling his dreams and aspirations, by affirming that she will take charge upon the domestic work and gave rupees 10,000 from her savings to pursue his dreams. Mr. Murthy started company along with six software friends in his own apartment. Mr. Murthy’s entrepreneurship journey was not that easy, but his determination helped him to climb the ladder of success. That’s where the Indian IT giant Infosys was founded to draw major impact on IT industry. Today Infosys is one of the top multinational software companies which created a benchmark among global countries with net worth of $70.89 billion.

Kiran Mazumdar Shaw – BIOCON
“I believe that entrepreneurship is about being able to face failure, manage failure and succeed after failing”, - Kiran Mazumdar Shaw

From the young age, this talented women entrepreneur had tremendous interest in research. Kiran Mazumdar a perfect testimony to determination and innovation in the field of Bio technology, she founded the company Biocon with a small amount of capital to embark the journey and establish Biocon as one of the most leading pharmaceutical company globally. Despite she faced numerous hurdles and challenges in initial stage, she retained with her steadfast vision by introducing life saving drugs for diabetes and cancer in affordable prices.

This move made a trajectory impact in the pharmaceutical industry and built the company from the scratch. Under the helm of her leadership, Biocon turned its path from being restricted to enzyme creation firm, it integrated to Research Company. Witnessing roaring success, Biocon became the second company in the country by closing the market value worth $1 billion on the first day of being listed in share market threshold. As a woman, she fought over all the obstacles and started to run behind her passion along with hard work which enrooted massive success in the industry.

Radhakishan Damani – DMART
“Success is not about being biggest. It is about being the best”, – Radhakishan Damani

After losing his father, Damani dropped out his studies and became a stockbroker in nearby retailer shop to take care of his family. Damani wasn’t raised by well settled family. With his stock holding skills, Damani started to earn inclusive profits in short selling. Damani efficiently followed the fact, to grow in trading we have to invest in it first. Hence he founded his first stock selling store mart at Mumbai in 2002. Now the small venture has extended its stores in the brand name of Dmart at 327 locations all over the nation which created a benchmark in retail industry of India.

With handwork, resoluteness and persistence, Damani turned his path from being dropped out student of college to India’s most well known business man. From being investor to entrepreneur the way he changed his life will be truly inspiration to many upcoming entrepreneurs. Who knows that a common man who used to live in a single room rented apartment with family is going to be the 4th richest in India and 98th richest person in the world? Yes, the determination to never give up and always striking harder to fulfill his dreams will definitely make you succeed.

Bhavish Aggarwal – OLA
“Entrepreneurs are not driven by fear; they are driven by the idea to create impact”, - Bhavish Aggarwal

Born and raised in a middle-class family, the journey of Bhavish Aggarwal can be precisely inspiring for entrepreneurs to drive success in their startup business. During his college days in Ludhiana, Bhavish witnessed the struggles and inefficiencies in transport system and had a determination to address this problem. Afte ages he founded Ola in 2010. His journey was not easy, as it was filled with numerous hurdles. At early stage, drivers refused to join the platform by concerning about funding and many people doubted their viability of the idea. But Bhavish believed his wavering vision, by his perseverance he overcame all the hurdles and made people believe that integration of technology will transform the way of people commute.

He brought all the innovation and introduced disruptive options for commutation like connecting auto rickshaw, taxi, and electric vehicle with tremendous technological applications. Today, Ola is operating in 250 cities and serving for millions of customers all over the nation. The entire journey of Bhavish is amplifying and being scintillating example for startups and entrepreneurs in India.

Vijay Shekhar Sharma – PAYTM
“Entrepreneurship is not about ideas; it’s about making a difference”, - Vijay Shekhar Sharma

Sharma began his entrepreneurship at the age of 14 as he started his first business in selling software to local ventures. After ages, while pursuing his engineering degree, Sharma launched One97 which is the root company of Paytm. Despite he faced many financial constraints in the business, Sharma established Paytm in 2010. Initially he started the platform for bill payments and mobile recharges. Anyway, the path of his success has many breakdowns. It encountered many obstacles such as insufficient funding, regulatory challenges, insecurity concerns of digital payment and transactions of people. To eliminate all these obstacles, Sharma strongly believed in the power of technology and potential of digital payments in upcoming days.

He constantly innovated and expanded the services by introducing options like digital wallets, e-shopping and digital financial transactions. This diversification of adapting the current marketing needs attracted more users. And now, Paytm is one of the leading digital payment platforms serving seamless services for people across the country. His entrepreneur spirit in young age and commitment for empowerment created an inspirational impact to startups and young entrepreneurs that can bring positive change in society.

“Success is not final; failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue the counts”, – Winston Churchill

As a whole, they all are the torch bearers, who inspired the young minds and young ideas to evolve with confidence. The inspiring stories of these successful Indian entrepreneurs are the source of encouragement and motivation for startups, new ideas and new journey’s. The tales of their journey with resilience, innovation and victory conveys that, with determination and relentless pursuit of our dreams, we can overcome any obstacles. Success is not about gaining financial status but it is about making a strong impact and leaving a long-lasting legacy.

Let me remind you that every setback is an opportunity to learn and grow, just as above entrepreneurs faced and over came all the hurdles in their entire journey. So, if you want to enter into a new world of entrepreneurship, then do carry the spirit of these inspiring stories with you and be fearless, believe in yourself and take a bold step to achieve your goals. The path may be challenging, but the final stage rewards are measureless. Dare to dream and make your own benchmark in the society. The future is waiting for your creativity and innovative ideas to succeed. Altogether, your time is now to rise, to embark, to innovate and to create your own legacy and leave your inspiring stories to others to follow.