
Senior Experts Igniting Tailored Potential of Junior Experts to be the Epitome of Success


Networking: When you start a business, the most pivotal thing is the ways to reach the targeted customer. If you can be a part of a well-built business network, then promoting the products and creating brand identity becomes easier. Venture capitalist guides the new business owners about different channels of network for promotion and advertisement which help them to reach to a lot of consumers in a short span of time. Through this network we can connect with more leaders and investors from whom you can receive immense assistance, and guidance to survive in the competitive business landscape.

Evaluation: Once you join incubator or get along with any of the veteran business leaders, and present your necessary details to them, they analyze the data, evaluate the startup’s future potential, and explain the startups how they can rapidly impact the society and targeted customers. So, the young entrepreneurs should patiently discuss all the key factors with them to get the proper evaluation.

Pool of Fund: To equip the startups with adequate funds, the investor firms create a pool of investment by collecting money from different investors or business owners. Startups rely on angel investors to secure funding for crucial operations, recruit key team members and meet pivotal milestones essential for securing larger investments from venture capitalists. The absence of this support would make it challenging for numerous startups to expand effectively and grow.

“You don’t have to be a genius or a visionary or even a college graduate to be successful. You just need a framework and a dream”, -Michael Dell, CEO, Dell.

Top Venture Capitalists & Angel Investors of India

Ratan Naval Tata: Indian business tycoon and a philanthropist Ratan Tata is the pride of India who with his immensely strong will power and thriving nature erected the greatest empire Tata Motors. On his 75th birthday he decided to step down as chairman of Tata Group. He is very enthusiastic about Indian startup culture and a keen supporter of these young budding entrepreneurs. From Ola Electric to Paytm to Zivame, and many more, Tata has invested in over 30 startups till date, most from his personal capacity and some via his investment company – RNT Capital Advisors. He is a man of valour and courage, who believes that, right decisions can’t always be right, so it is better to take decision and work the hardest to make it right.

“New startups embody the creativity, the innovation of young people, and for me, it was and is a very worthwhile experience to interact with them”, -Ratan Tata, Former chairperson of the Tata Group.

Ravi Adusumalli: He is the Founder and Co-Managing Partner of Elevation Capital. Ravi currently sits on the boards of Paytm, Urban Company, Clear and Axio. He loves to work with those entrepreneurs who have the good story telling capacity, as the difference between a good and great storyteller is often the difference between building a good company and building an iconic company. He believes that, a good knowledge about the potential of the product helps to raise capital, to build a team, and to get early customers. Often, nothing is obvious early on other than the founder's passion and it is contagious.

“I love working with founders that are looking for a partner, not just capital. Capital is a commodity”, -Ravi Adusumalli, Founder & Co-Managing Partner of Elevation Capital.

Vani Kola: As the Founder and Managing Director of Kalaari Capital, she firmly believes that possessing a purpose in life is necessary in setting goals, for overcoming challenges and moving forward towards your objectives. She firmly believes that one's life purpose must encompass identifying their skills, working around weaknesses while enhancing strengths to achieve success. She always prefers recognizing and mentoring young, ambitious first-time entrepreneurs, and helping them to scale up.

“I am always inspired to create impact, and making a difference, through innovation and entrepreneurship! I am proud of the values that Kalaari stands for and our commitment to entrepreneurs. It is a privilege to be part of rethinking the future, alongside our entrepreneurs”, -Vani Kola, Founder & Managing Director of Kalaari Capital.