
Technology is a Game-Changer in the Indian Healthcare Industry

By Nandini MukherjeeIndia's healthcare market is likely to see a threefold jump in value terms to reach $ 372 bn by 2022. The healthcare industry in India stood as the fourth largest employer in 2017 as the sector employed a total of 319,780 people. From operation to services, healthcare as a sector has shown major advancements and continues to showcase seemingly great growth through the use of digital technologies. As an industry, healthcare has the potential to drastically disrupt or improve everyday life. With new age start-ups launching innovative solutions, a much-needed disruption is approaching.

With unending technological innovation and burgeoning demand for improved healthcare practices, the healthcare industry in India is witnessing great progress. In fact, it’s the dawn of a new era in the healthcare space which is directed by a convergence of technology and healthcare to bring in a digital
transformation in the way doctors and patients intermingle. The industry at present bids a huge opportunity for service providers that have the liberality to do-away with the traditional healthcare methods, embrace the changing care practices, reduce operating cost, and more importantly mechanize the age-old manual processes.

Keeping track of patients’ progress has been a formidable challenge for healthcare providers in India. With the use of technology, healthcare organizations can have the autonomy to store medical history and treatment records of the patients electronically resulting in seamless treatments. Further, these records are easily accessible from anywhere on a cloud platform and can be shared between consultants at the time of the treatment. The increase in adoption of electronic health records, mHealth services, and telemedicine have made these organizations deploy a robust IT infrastructure that can simplify the digitization of volumes of patient data and records.

The implementation of technology can significantly help in making healthcare accessible for all. Use of advanced healthcare technology and applications is now a must for healthcare organizations that believe in delivering efficient healthcare services to the masses. While a few advancements in the healthcare space in terms of storing electronic medical records or use of therapeutic tools have already spindled baby steps, it would certainly be interesting to eyewitness more of such mew modalities of healthcare in the coming years.