The Healthcare Industry is Steadily Switching to Digital Solutions

Due to new and high-end technologies, India is constantly progressing in Health care industry to drive the enhanced Health system. Today, technology has become indispensable part of health care in processing from managing operational efficiency to enhancing patient care with digital solutions. Technological advancements has ultimately assimilated into health care and transfiguring the regular medical practices. These days every patient has individual needs and they demand and expect to ingress their entire medical records and reports in single platform. These emerging technologies are helping to facilitate the demands and make a consequential benefaction in healthcare by providing treatments and diagnostics digitally.
Today technologies such as AI, ML & ICT are enabling the health care professionals to provide personalized and customized services and letting them to access the emerging business trends and opportunities in health tech domain. Pandemic has made the medical communities understand the technological advancements and embrace the wave of digitalizing in the health care domain. Now, medical professionals and entrepreneurs have started to monitor the potential of digitalized health care and generate innovative solutions to promote the efficiency of health care.
Benefits of Telemedicine:
• Easy Access: With the integration of telemedicine, people in rural and unreached locations also can access the specialized medical practices. And patients no need to spend more money for travelling to access the services.
• Time Management: Nowadays, people with busy work schedule were difficult to visit hospitals and wait in a lengthy queue for getting appointments. Telemedicine provides online diagnostics and virtual clinics for patients which move the system faster where they can attend the consultation through digital tools.
• Improved Patient Care: By adopting telemedicine, patients can access quick and effective treatment for their issues. It also enables the doctors to follow up the patients to avoid the re-occurrence of diseases.
• Better Order Management: Online medicine-delivery apps offer better order-management systems to healthcare providers, making it easier for them to manage prescription-medication orders. Healthcare providers can manage their orders more efficiently, ensuring that prescription medications get delivered to customers on time.
Technologies Reshaping the Healthcare industry:
Cloud Computing: As we all know, during pandemic entire medical system relied on cloud computing system and it developed so far, now the usage of cloud computing has become crucial in health care domain. The IT infrastructure technology is using the remote server to store, handle and manage the medical records and information without disruption. Cloud storage system has enabled the health care experts to access the online servers to store huge data safely with the assistance of cloud based Electronic medical records (EMR) system. Cloud computing facilitates in providing and maintaining tele health applications. It enables the medical experts to share the medical records and information securely with backup options. Medical ventures are utilizing cloud computing to increase the efficiency of health care in decreased costs.
Data Analytics: With the advent of optimizing the medical process in reduced costs, data analytics is saving innumerable lives in health care industry. It increases the patient health care by providing the up-to-date information and increases the possibilities of predicting the life-threatening diseases earlier and assisting the doctors by giving suggested drugs and treatment based on the patient current condition. It reduces the suspicious and threatening activities and ensures the patient data is secured from abnormality threats.
Technology-based Trends in Healthcare
1. Remote Health Monitoring: Digital health monitoring plays an important role in improving patient care. This enhances the communication between medical practitioners and patients by monitoring the patient condition and provides relevant data. It enables to analyze the complete profile. It eliminates the activity of visiting hospitals for diagnostics and consultation and makes the entire process digital.
2. Digitalizing the Diagnostics & Therapeutics: Technology is helping in reducing the process of diagnostics and shortening the period between primary diagnosis and therapy. Digital therapeutics have tremendous potential to reduce disease burdens, deliver better clinical outcomes, help providers make more informed treatment decisions, and improve patients’ lives by offering better ways to manage chronic health conditions.
3. Telemedicine & Virtual Visits: With the improved technology, telemedicine enables the consultation to patients with medical practitioner through online portals. It significantly improves the quality of medical practices and reduces the cost of transportation by eliminating the unnecessary in person visits. It also provides enhanced monitoring for chronic conditions.
4. Medical Appointments Scheduling & Rescheduling: From anywhere and anytime the most non-urgent consultation and treatments can be sorted out digitally. By using various apps as a medium of contact, patients are given more freedom in decision-making about their preferences for the appointments and have improved access.
5. Online Medicine-delivery Apps: This helps customers to order their prescription medications whenever they want. With 24/7 access to online medicine-delivery platforms, customers can place orders at any time, making it easier for them to manage their healthcare needs. Online medicine-delivery apps offer discounts on prescription medications, making healthcare services more affordable for customers. Customers can save money on prescription medications by ordering them using online medicine-delivery apps by availing various discounts and offers. Online medicine-delivery apps provide real-time order tracking, allowing customers to track their prescription medications from the time they place their order to delivery. Customers can monitor the progress of their orders and know exactly when they’ll receive their medicines.
Take Away: With the advent of recent innovations, technology has astonished the health care industry with immense benefits. By knowing the benefits, medical communities are started experimenting various business model in this industry which results in improved patient care and services. Through digital transformation, the future of healthcare looks promising with seamless advantages.
QUOTE: “If we can reduce the cost and improve the quality of medical technology through advances in technology, we can more widely address the medical conditions that are prevalent and reduce the level of human suffering”, - Ralph Merkle
Today technologies such as AI, ML & ICT are enabling the health care professionals to provide personalized and customized services and letting them to access the emerging business trends and opportunities in health tech domain. Pandemic has made the medical communities understand the technological advancements and embrace the wave of digitalizing in the health care domain. Now, medical professionals and entrepreneurs have started to monitor the potential of digitalized health care and generate innovative solutions to promote the efficiency of health care.
Benefits of Telemedicine:
• Easy Access: With the integration of telemedicine, people in rural and unreached locations also can access the specialized medical practices. And patients no need to spend more money for travelling to access the services.
• Time Management: Nowadays, people with busy work schedule were difficult to visit hospitals and wait in a lengthy queue for getting appointments. Telemedicine provides online diagnostics and virtual clinics for patients which move the system faster where they can attend the consultation through digital tools.
• Improved Patient Care: By adopting telemedicine, patients can access quick and effective treatment for their issues. It also enables the doctors to follow up the patients to avoid the re-occurrence of diseases.
• Better Order Management: Online medicine-delivery apps offer better order-management systems to healthcare providers, making it easier for them to manage prescription-medication orders. Healthcare providers can manage their orders more efficiently, ensuring that prescription medications get delivered to customers on time.
Technologies Reshaping the Healthcare industry:
Cloud Computing: As we all know, during pandemic entire medical system relied on cloud computing system and it developed so far, now the usage of cloud computing has become crucial in health care domain. The IT infrastructure technology is using the remote server to store, handle and manage the medical records and information without disruption. Cloud storage system has enabled the health care experts to access the online servers to store huge data safely with the assistance of cloud based Electronic medical records (EMR) system. Cloud computing facilitates in providing and maintaining tele health applications. It enables the medical experts to share the medical records and information securely with backup options. Medical ventures are utilizing cloud computing to increase the efficiency of health care in decreased costs.
Data Analytics: With the advent of optimizing the medical process in reduced costs, data analytics is saving innumerable lives in health care industry. It increases the patient health care by providing the up-to-date information and increases the possibilities of predicting the life-threatening diseases earlier and assisting the doctors by giving suggested drugs and treatment based on the patient current condition. It reduces the suspicious and threatening activities and ensures the patient data is secured from abnormality threats.
Technology-based Trends in Healthcare
1. Remote Health Monitoring: Digital health monitoring plays an important role in improving patient care. This enhances the communication between medical practitioners and patients by monitoring the patient condition and provides relevant data. It enables to analyze the complete profile. It eliminates the activity of visiting hospitals for diagnostics and consultation and makes the entire process digital.
2. Digitalizing the Diagnostics & Therapeutics: Technology is helping in reducing the process of diagnostics and shortening the period between primary diagnosis and therapy. Digital therapeutics have tremendous potential to reduce disease burdens, deliver better clinical outcomes, help providers make more informed treatment decisions, and improve patients’ lives by offering better ways to manage chronic health conditions.
3. Telemedicine & Virtual Visits: With the improved technology, telemedicine enables the consultation to patients with medical practitioner through online portals. It significantly improves the quality of medical practices and reduces the cost of transportation by eliminating the unnecessary in person visits. It also provides enhanced monitoring for chronic conditions.
4. Medical Appointments Scheduling & Rescheduling: From anywhere and anytime the most non-urgent consultation and treatments can be sorted out digitally. By using various apps as a medium of contact, patients are given more freedom in decision-making about their preferences for the appointments and have improved access.
5. Online Medicine-delivery Apps: This helps customers to order their prescription medications whenever they want. With 24/7 access to online medicine-delivery platforms, customers can place orders at any time, making it easier for them to manage their healthcare needs. Online medicine-delivery apps offer discounts on prescription medications, making healthcare services more affordable for customers. Customers can save money on prescription medications by ordering them using online medicine-delivery apps by availing various discounts and offers. Online medicine-delivery apps provide real-time order tracking, allowing customers to track their prescription medications from the time they place their order to delivery. Customers can monitor the progress of their orders and know exactly when they’ll receive their medicines.
Take Away: With the advent of recent innovations, technology has astonished the health care industry with immense benefits. By knowing the benefits, medical communities are started experimenting various business model in this industry which results in improved patient care and services. Through digital transformation, the future of healthcare looks promising with seamless advantages.
QUOTE: “If we can reduce the cost and improve the quality of medical technology through advances in technology, we can more widely address the medical conditions that are prevalent and reduce the level of human suffering”, - Ralph Merkle