Nishan Kohli
Co-Founder & Senior Partner
Build Source was incorporated in April 2015; however, the idea of forming a Building Information Modeling (BIM) Solutions Consultancy predates this by many years, based on our understanding of the evolving technology and global market requirements for such services, including and specifically in the US, UK and the GCC region. Initially, and due to ongoing activities of other group companies, my partner (Dawood Al-Qattan, Architect) and I began our foray into BIM through a requirement for Construction Documentation of MEP services in a large scale Design-Build project for a hospital expansion in Kuwait. Our first attempt to satisfy this requirement was through an outsourced, third party partner in India, however it was the failure of this experience that led us to shift our attention to an in-house solution instead, from which Build Source was ultimately born.
2. Convey your perceptions on the current Construction Technology domain in India. What opportunities do you foresee for the 2D/3D Solutions?
India has always been in the forefront to grasp new technologies and the construction industry is no different. With more and more world-class buildings dotting the Indian skyline, stakeholders are increasingly becoming conscious of quick return on investments. This is where BIM and other such technologies step in to bridge the gap between design and build, using 3D imagery and construction simulation to ensure Consultants and Contractors can successfully collaborate. We expect more players to emerge for the Indian market, but consider Build Source to be both a pioneer and a leader in this industry, and will continue to pursue domestic opportunities in parallel with the global market.
3. What is the USP of Build Source India that differentiates it from its competitors?
Richard Branson once said that companies should “train people well enough so they can leave, treat them well enough so they don't want to”. We strongly believe
in this adage as well as his concept that “if you look after your staff, they’ll look after your customers”. As a services company, nothing matters more than the people you employ since they are the only tangible product that we deliver, and at Build Source, we take that to heart and put it into practice through a lateral human resource structure and open floor concept. Our personnel are young and ambitious, and we continue to invest in their training and access to new technology to ensure the longevity of our success.
4. Can you put some light on your unique service offerings?
Our first step while offering BIM services is to thoroughly understand our client’s business needs and provide a tailor-made solution to meet their project expectations and requirements, in a way that provides them with a more efficient option than the competition. Build Source relies on the impracticality of Consultants and Contractors attempting to engage their own personnel for BIM production, due to the high volume of staff needed for comparatively short periods. As such, the outsourcing model bridges this gap perfectly, allowing clients to rely on a ready pool of highly skilled professionals on a scalable offering.The next step is to remove the obstacles of virtual employees, which Build Source does by leveraging collaborative software solutions that are designed specifically for the construction industry. In the end, our clients benefit from seamless connectivity to our production facilities, while availing of the substantial cost savings of outsourcing their requirements.
5. What are some of the challenges you are currently facing, and what are your strategies to overcome them?
Building Information Modeling is a new technology and as such, the resources available are young themselves. A considerable amount of in-house training is required to bring them up to international industry standards, including country-specific rules and regulations for the AEC industry. On the marketing side, it is an uphill battle
for established organizations to change as they are often resistant to it, and may not yet be convinced of the efficiencies of BIM. In order to over come these issues, Build Source continues to invest in
The outsourcing model of BIM allows its clients to rely on a ready pool of highly skilled professionals on a scalable offering
4. Can you put some light on your unique service offerings?
Our first step while offering BIM services is to thoroughly understand our client’s business needs and provide a tailor-made solution to meet their project expectations and requirements, in a way that provides them with a more efficient option than the competition. Build Source relies on the impracticality of Consultants and Contractors attempting to engage their own personnel for BIM production, due to the high volume of staff needed for comparatively short periods. As such, the outsourcing model bridges this gap perfectly, allowing clients to rely on a ready pool of highly skilled professionals on a scalable offering.The next step is to remove the obstacles of virtual employees, which Build Source does by leveraging collaborative software solutions that are designed specifically for the construction industry. In the end, our clients benefit from seamless connectivity to our production facilities, while availing of the substantial cost savings of outsourcing their requirements.
5. What are some of the challenges you are currently facing, and what are your strategies to overcome them?
Building Information Modeling is a new technology and as such, the resources available are young themselves. A considerable amount of in-house training is required to bring them up to international industry standards, including country-specific rules and regulations for the AEC industry. On the marketing side, it is an uphill battle
for established organizations to change as they are often resistant to it, and may not yet be convinced of the efficiencies of BIM. In order to over come these issues, Build Source continues to invest in
technology and training, and acts as an evangelist for BIM through active participation in user groups, symposiums and even the establishment of standards on a country-wide level. Finally, nothing speaks louder than success, and with the completion of each project we are able to create case studies to prove our concept.
6. Would you like to share any unforgettable project experience that brought utmost satisfaction to both the parties?
To date, our flagship project has been the production of MEP construction documentation for the Al-Amiri Hospital Expansion Project for the Ministry of Health, Kuwait. This 416-bedded hospital is located in Sharq, Kuwait City and serves as an addition to the existing facilities of Al-Amiri Hospital, with four basements, twelve floors above ground and a total built-up area of approximately 150,000 square meters. As possibly one of the most complex types of construction projects with regard to services, BIM was proven to be the ideal tool for management and implementation of the design-build requirements, enabling stakeholders to collaborate on the process from start to finish. Build Source completed its scope by delivering a full set of Combined Shop Drawings (CSD) and Single Service Shop Drawings (SSSD) that resulted in error-free construction on site and considerable savings to the client.
7. Can you tell us about the recent revenue growth of the company?
Build Source is growing in multiple verticals, both with direct marketing to clients in the GCC and through partners in other markets. Our strategy is a two pronged attack, in which we rely heavily on large scale projects that often run over the course of 9 to 12 months, while also picking the low hanging fruit for smaller, short term opportunities to engage idle staff.
8. Tell us about the future road map of the company.
Build Source prides itself in being a leader in Construction Technology and will continue to complement its services as the market evolves. At present, we have already begun investment into new areas including Facility Management, Aerial Photo grammetry, Virtual Reality Visualization, and more, either as an extension of our core services within BIM or as standalone operations. Of course, growth is not always the only answer; improving on our existing business always comes first, and we will not be satisfied until Build Source is recognized as the market leader for BIM.
6. Would you like to share any unforgettable project experience that brought utmost satisfaction to both the parties?
To date, our flagship project has been the production of MEP construction documentation for the Al-Amiri Hospital Expansion Project for the Ministry of Health, Kuwait. This 416-bedded hospital is located in Sharq, Kuwait City and serves as an addition to the existing facilities of Al-Amiri Hospital, with four basements, twelve floors above ground and a total built-up area of approximately 150,000 square meters. As possibly one of the most complex types of construction projects with regard to services, BIM was proven to be the ideal tool for management and implementation of the design-build requirements, enabling stakeholders to collaborate on the process from start to finish. Build Source completed its scope by delivering a full set of Combined Shop Drawings (CSD) and Single Service Shop Drawings (SSSD) that resulted in error-free construction on site and considerable savings to the client.
7. Can you tell us about the recent revenue growth of the company?
Build Source is growing in multiple verticals, both with direct marketing to clients in the GCC and through partners in other markets. Our strategy is a two pronged attack, in which we rely heavily on large scale projects that often run over the course of 9 to 12 months, while also picking the low hanging fruit for smaller, short term opportunities to engage idle staff.
8. Tell us about the future road map of the company.
Build Source prides itself in being a leader in Construction Technology and will continue to complement its services as the market evolves. At present, we have already begun investment into new areas including Facility Management, Aerial Photo grammetry, Virtual Reality Visualization, and more, either as an extension of our core services within BIM or as standalone operations. Of course, growth is not always the only answer; improving on our existing business always comes first, and we will not be satisfied until Build Source is recognized as the market leader for BIM.