TapanKapoor, Manish Gupta & Nitin Jain
Co-Founders & CoreFounding TeamMember
Digiconn – a Complete Solution
Apart from the app, Aviconn is also highly acknowledged for its complete home automation solution named Digiconn. “The platform is exclusively designed to help people not just achieve comfort, but also to
cater to critical requirements like ambience, entertainment, energy efficiency, safety and security,” says Manish Gupta, an IT connoisseur & Co-Founder of Aviconn. From Smart Door lock & Bell, automated lights and curtain controls to real time monitoring of electricity consumption, hazardous air quality alert, fire and water leakage alerts, and intelligent motion sensors – Digiconn provides all. Taking a smart step ahead, the platform shields the homes with smart devices that alert not just the residents, but also the immediate emergency authorities in case of malicious break-ins. With such security features, people can also answer their doorbell and operate door locks from anywhere in the world.
Spoiling customers with the customizable solution, Aviconn offers them the option to buy single feature or combination of features or the whole package, depending upon their likes and needs. “Our product reflects a smart building solution and thus, can be used in not just in homes, but also hotel chains, real estate space and universities,” asserts Tapan Kapoor, Co-Founder, Aviconn. However, what really set them apart from the horde are theirasserts Tapan Kapoor, Co-Founder, Aviconn. However, what really set them apart from the horde
Digiconn is exclusively designed not just to achieve comfort, but also to cater to critical requirements like ambience, entertainment, energy efficiency, safety and security
Spoiling customers with the customizable solution, Aviconn offers them the option to buy single feature or combination of features or the whole package, depending upon their likes and needs. “Our product reflects a smart building solution and thus, can be used in not just in homes, but also hotel chains, real estate space and universities,” asserts Tapan Kapoor, Co-Founder, Aviconn. However, what really set them apart from the horde are theirasserts Tapan Kapoor, Co-Founder, Aviconn. However, what really set them apart from the horde
are their end-to-end solutions. The company handholds its customers right from design consultation, installation, training of each user, to after-sales support. Aviconn’s network of B2B partners, which cover established real estate builders, interior designers, architects and such others, further help clients to customize the solutions as per their need. “As IoT based Smart homes market ramps up in India, we are perfectly positioned and committed to deliver a comprehensive product line and an unmatched customer experience," adds Nitin Jain, member of Aviconn’s core founding team.
Accentuating the Excellence
Since its inception in 2015, Aviconn’s prime focus has always been fueling its belief, ‘A Vision to Connect’, and the duo, Manish & Tapan, and Nitin, who joined them in this mission in early days, stand as those magnificent personas who make it all happen. These IIT/NIT alumnae left their cushy leadership positions at Fortune 100 technology companies and have been instrumental in imparting their own brand of 55+ years of combined learning and experience into each of their endeavors. Nourished under the aegis of such strong professionals, the 20+ strong in-house team is also bound by an open, flat and R&D work culture that keeps them on the technology forefront. “It’s a football team kind of a structure. We do play our specific roles, but in the times of critical situations, we wear many hats to proffer the best,” adds Tapan. With a box full of such happy fortunes, Aviconn is presently witnessing a 30 percent revenue growth month-on-month. Driven by global product like Digiconn, the company is currently eying at a significant PAN India as well as a global expansion.
Accentuating the Excellence
Since its inception in 2015, Aviconn’s prime focus has always been fueling its belief, ‘A Vision to Connect’, and the duo, Manish & Tapan, and Nitin, who joined them in this mission in early days, stand as those magnificent personas who make it all happen. These IIT/NIT alumnae left their cushy leadership positions at Fortune 100 technology companies and have been instrumental in imparting their own brand of 55+ years of combined learning and experience into each of their endeavors. Nourished under the aegis of such strong professionals, the 20+ strong in-house team is also bound by an open, flat and R&D work culture that keeps them on the technology forefront. “It’s a football team kind of a structure. We do play our specific roles, but in the times of critical situations, we wear many hats to proffer the best,” adds Tapan. With a box full of such happy fortunes, Aviconn is presently witnessing a 30 percent revenue growth month-on-month. Driven by global product like Digiconn, the company is currently eying at a significant PAN India as well as a global expansion.