
Mobiux : Empowering Creativity through Redefining Innovation & Workplace Culture

 Binu K S,  Founder & CEO

Binu K S

Founder & CEO

In a world known to be incredibly fast-paced, ideas of any size tend to get lost in the cacophony of protocols,red tapism, or simply in the hollow of neglect and inattention. Mobiux, as a 'creative tech company' was then born as a project and later bloomed fully into a company of 70 folks, exercising attention and care to ideas brought to them. From helping businesses with insight-driven solutions that address their immediate (and possibly inconspicuous) needs to building tailored solutions for the same, Mobiux has now come a long way in becoming a space of trust for industries and organizations.

Founded by an alumnus of IIT Bombay and a product developer with over 20 years of experience, Mobiux was single-handedly built by Binu K S from the ground up and expanded into a company that boasts a cumulative employee experience of over 250 years. Since its inception, the company has now worked on projects across 20+ industries over just four years. They work as a team of product thinkers, developers, and designers and their services encompass an end-to-end cycle from ideation to maintenance.

While primarily a service-based company, Mobiux has also interestingly innovated in-house products (based on the insights they have gathered over the years of working with diverse clients) that solve critical business problems for large-scale organizations. Some of these products are warehouse management systems, facility management systems, asset management systems, and content delivery networks.
Embracing Creative-Tech

The genesis of Mobiux carried the vision of imbuing tech with a creative finesse and function as an insight-driven creative tech company. The creative vision of the company is spearheaded and realized by Sijeesh, a seasoned designer with over 20+ years of experience, by balancing the potential of creatives within largely tech-driven projects. From brand ideations to executing said ideations, the creative team ensures a memorable digital experience for the users of every project they take on.

As a workplace, Mobiux actively promotes a collaborative, safe, & supportive work environment

Working as a tight team of designers, developers, communication specialists, and branding experts with scrupulous product thinking experience, a customer-oriented approach, and a farsighted vision, they build viable solutions for businesses of all sizes. All of this is made possible by taking ownership of a tightly-knit team that works together on any given project at any given time.

As a workplace, Mobiux actively promotes a collaborative, safe, and supportive work environment. Manager feedback and discussions occur monthly or as necessary. They cover relevant career advancement courses, and HR policies include reimbursement for the courses chosen by the employees. The company provides sabbaticals, personal mentoring, EAP counseling discussions, and flexible work schedules to accommodate personal engagements and crises. Nondiscriminatory yearly appraisals, training, mentorship, coaching, and access to challenging projects are integral to their operations. The insurance policy covers free telephonic consultations with doctors across all specialties. The company is also mindful of creating comfortable working environments and hours for people with care responsibilities, new mothers and people with unique backgrounds.

At its very formative stages, Mobiux was hit with the unpredictability of the COVID-19 pandemic, where employees had to grapple with an unprecedented hybrid work situation. Following the pandemic, the global economy was then severely disrupted by an ensuing recession, a critical juncture during which the top management at Mobiux ensured that its employees retained their jobs and livelihoods with no layoffs.