E2S Facility Services : Offering Comprehensive Range of Innovative Facility Management Solution with Collaborative Excellence

Shanmugaraj K
Managing Director
E2S Facility Services, established in 2019 is an Integrated Facility Management Company. E2S stands for Engineering & Environment Solutions, wherein it offers an end-to-end solution to all the facility needs of the customers without compromising and adhering to Health, Safety, Quality, and Environment. Shanmugaraj K (Founder & Managing Director) and Sundaresan J (Co-Founder & Executive Director), having worked in different industrial verticals had a vision of starting their own company to deliver quality services as per the global standards at affordable cost and cater to all low medium & high-value customers without compromise on safety & quality.
Subsequently analyzing the huge potential of business in the FM industry, they grabbed the opportunity to acquire some market shares. From a rookie in the year 2019 to a capable &
strong professional team presently, the firm has emerged as a subject matter expert in the residential segment serving the clients. Currently, the firm has 500+ Site Staffs which is supervised by a strong 15 Base office staff; this has been achieved within 1.5 Years of establishment which is a commendable success of the company.
The founders formed a strong and proficient team of professionals who had worked with them earlier and reciprocated their interest to join E2S. According to them, in the FM industry having a strong team is the major requirement to build customers' trust, since the services provided by the company are related to their day-to-day needs. E2S follows a friendly culture where all the employees are given full rights to take decisions towards the work. Enabling this type of ownership in employees has led to the high efficiency of work and integrity to-wards the company. E2S has created its core values keeping the employees in mind and calls them E2S EPICS, wherein "E stands for empowering people, P for passion for excellence, I for integrity with innovative solutions, C for commitment towards customer satisfaction, and S for safety and sustainability".

Sundaresan J, Executive Director
To motivate and train young & fresh professionals, regular Re-wards & Recognitions programs are conducted and also ensure the staff & their families' welfare by providing health insurance. The firm strongly believes in teamwork and empowering the employees. To ensure that its workforce is well aligned with the evolving trends in the sphere of facility management, employees are provided regular training and updates on the market trend to get inputs from the Industry leaders for the latest updates.
As the firm works towards digitizing its FM operations, it aspires to be a pioneer in residential segment by year 2023 and the most professional, trustworthy, and innovative company in the facility management industry. It further desires to be the preferred employer in the FM Industry by providing a delightful workplace to the employees and creating a 100% healthy and safe working environment. E2S is also very interested in keenly looking forward to expanding its business across South India by 2025 and achieving a 90% customer satisfaction level by the end of every year.
The founders formed a strong and proficient team of professionals who had worked with them earlier and reciprocated their interest to join E2S. According to them, in the FM industry having a strong team is the major requirement to build customers' trust, since the services provided by the company are related to their day-to-day needs. E2S follows a friendly culture where all the employees are given full rights to take decisions towards the work. Enabling this type of ownership in employees has led to the high efficiency of work and integrity to-wards the company. E2S has created its core values keeping the employees in mind and calls them E2S EPICS, wherein "E stands for empowering people, P for passion for excellence, I for integrity with innovative solutions, C for commitment towards customer satisfaction, and S for safety and sustainability".

Sundaresan J, Executive Director
To motivate and train young & fresh professionals, regular Re-wards & Recognitions programs are conducted and also ensure the staff & their families' welfare by providing health insurance. The firm strongly believes in teamwork and empowering the employees. To ensure that its workforce is well aligned with the evolving trends in the sphere of facility management, employees are provided regular training and updates on the market trend to get inputs from the Industry leaders for the latest updates.
As the firm works towards digitizing its FM operations, it aspires to be a pioneer in residential segment by year 2023 and the most professional, trustworthy, and innovative company in the facility management industry. It further desires to be the preferred employer in the FM Industry by providing a delightful workplace to the employees and creating a 100% healthy and safe working environment. E2S is also very interested in keenly looking forward to expanding its business across South India by 2025 and achieving a 90% customer satisfaction level by the end of every year.