Saurabh Kulshrestha, Shashwat Shubham & Sanjeev Kr. Sanju
Founder and CEO, Co-Founder & Mentor
Bank of Knowledge, Treasurer to Success
West Bengal based Edurena E-Commerce LLP emerged with the mission to serve the larger section of society by
Touted to be one of India’s favorite learning destinations to connect with tutors, trainers & training institutes, schools and colleges, Edurena is also country’s leading provider of educational and soft-skills development along with branding solutions
disseminating the right information, facilitating the selection of right courses & institutions to the students.
Focused more towards aiding the tier 2,tier3 & tier4 cities and towns, Saurabh Kulshrestha, Founder, Edurena E-Commerce, says,“If you look from the logistic point there was an unnecessary or unwanted migration from smaller to bigger cities just for the want of right teaching facility or faculty. So we came up with a unique platform to counsel the students & institutions with changing times.” A dedicated platform, Edurena tries to capture the underlying opportunities of the education ecosystem. Committed to provide reliable, genuine and researched based information to students & institutions the company offers its services in distinct ways. For the student's group, Edurena ensures to help them with the best education facility present thereon. Helping them to equip with the latest technology and enhance their growth in professional & personal skills, it also guides them to explore their ability, interest & passion through career counselling. At the same time, aiding the institutions, Edurena
He adds,“Our USP has always been an independent organization that relies on feedback rather than being influenced. Focused more towards bringing continuous improvement in the process of fair education system we are coming up with no paid ranking system for fair & genuine review.”
Envisages a Nationwide Expansion
Touted to be one of India’s favorite learning destinations to connect with tutors, trainers & training institutes, schools and colleges,Edurena is also country’s leading provider of educational and soft-skills development along with branding solutions. Promoting entrepreneurship & self-development at all levels,Edurena entitles to meet the needs of the society through education and develop a sustainable growth path for its clients. With the vision of a future where‘Dreams,Possibilities,and Opportunities’are equally available to all, Saurabh concludes, “We want to have our nationwide expansion in next two –three years. Being focused on quality, transparency, and reputation we are soon planning to use technology by implementing automation & AI in order to provide reliable and quick information to our clients.”