Joyati & Beas
It is an established fact that traditional method of teaching is not received equally by all students leading to widening learning gaps. Half of India's students has learning gaps, the pandemic has led to further learning loss.
Wise Owl Learning, established in 2020, is an impact edtech company that brings quality education to all students using visionary edtech and community connect. Mission of this company is to bridge learning gaps and deliver world class education to all students.
A women-led tech company, Wise Owl Learning operates with a non-conventional outlook in the education industry. It works in
remote areas to provide accessible education to less privileged children. "Wise Owl is working closely with 10,000+ teachers as our belief is that edtech should strengthen the efforts of our teachers and not replace them. We are here to build trust and deliver value, and we are happy that we are creating permanent transformation in the lives of 50,000+ children we have impacted so far”, speaks Beas has co-founder of Wise Owl Learning.
Wise Owl has launched the flagship school platform Neeve in 2021 and has seen a spectacular adoption across 1000+ schools in less than a year. The clients adopting Neeve include the government schools of Meghalaya, Mizoram and Sikkim, along with private schools from various parts of the country. "At Wise Owl Learning, we aim to provide equal opportunities in education to all students. We make world-class education accessible to less privileged students, who are otherwise left behind, increasing their chance to succeed”, shares Joyati, co-founder of Wise Owl Learning.
Wise Owl's board has a complementary skill-set and deep experience in delivering sustainable education. The team brings in the right balance of technology and pedagogy to create learning programs that children and educators equally love. As an engineer and a life-long quality systems professional, Joyati brings her blue-ocean thinking to the product team. Beas has worked with the governments and NGO machinery for over a decade, making her the right person to build operations at scale. The team roped in Rimjhim on the board in 2021 to sharpen their strategy, communication, and technology expertise. As an expert on government liaison and implementation, Manoj joined the board in 2022.
Wise Owl Learning has been able to build trust among schools and parents by delivering the promises made by the team. The company is featured on Artha Impact's Platform,has been incubated by NASSCOM 10000 startups& AWE (a joint program of HSBC, Startup India, and WICCI).
A women-led tech company, Wise Owl Learning operates with a non-conventional outlook in the education industry
Wise Owl has launched the flagship school platform Neeve in 2021 and has seen a spectacular adoption across 1000+ schools in less than a year. The clients adopting Neeve include the government schools of Meghalaya, Mizoram and Sikkim, along with private schools from various parts of the country. "At Wise Owl Learning, we aim to provide equal opportunities in education to all students. We make world-class education accessible to less privileged students, who are otherwise left behind, increasing their chance to succeed”, shares Joyati, co-founder of Wise Owl Learning.
Wise Owl's board has a complementary skill-set and deep experience in delivering sustainable education. The team brings in the right balance of technology and pedagogy to create learning programs that children and educators equally love. As an engineer and a life-long quality systems professional, Joyati brings her blue-ocean thinking to the product team. Beas has worked with the governments and NGO machinery for over a decade, making her the right person to build operations at scale. The team roped in Rimjhim on the board in 2021 to sharpen their strategy, communication, and technology expertise. As an expert on government liaison and implementation, Manoj joined the board in 2022.
Wise Owl Learning has been able to build trust among schools and parents by delivering the promises made by the team. The company is featured on Artha Impact's Platform,has been incubated by NASSCOM 10000 startups& AWE (a joint program of HSBC, Startup India, and WICCI).