Multi Nano Sense Technologies: Developing Cutting-Edge Core Gas Sensors To Address Gas Sensing Challenges Of The Future

Shashank Kumar
Co-Founder, Director & CEO
In the coming years, numerous efforts to combat pollution, advances in biological and other sciences, personnel care, diagnostics, safety, asset monitoring, in-situ process analysis, green energy, gas intelligent smart phones, and other ground-breaking avenues shall be driven by billions of gas sensor nodes, which will generate a vast economy based on primary and derived gas intelligence.
Therefore, Multi Nano Sense Technologies, a proud Indian Start-Up, is developing cutting-edge core gas sensors, which can potentially offer solutions to numerous challenges anticipated in the future.
With its visionary Patented Platform, CMOS MEMS OmniGas Sensing technology (licensed from Cambridge Enterprise Limited, a 100 percent subsidiary of the University of Cambridge, UK), the goal is to deliver analytical capabilities at the fingertips of users across more than 20 industries, including B2B, B2G and B2B2C, by solving the size, cost, complexity, reliability, performance, and scalability issues.
“Organically expanding from excellent analysis capability for binary gas mixtures,
several additive proprietary technology layers can potentially enable near analytical grade, miniature, IoT enabled, real time solutions at 1,000 to 10,000 times the scale possible today. Like the transition from a room-sized super computing machine to a pocket-sized mobile phone, these novel applications will spawn across a very wide spectrum.
We are catalyzing our growth through collaborative partnerships with Indian and Global Leaders in Semi¬conductors Manufacturing, Hydrogen Economy, Clean Energy, Energy Storage, Environment & Air Quality, Smart Assets, Homes, and Cities.” says Shashank Kumar, Co-Founder, Director & CEO.
Driving Unrivaled Experience
Multi Nano Sense Technologies presently offers cut¬ting edge Hydrogen Sensors based on indigenously developed Patented Solid State Electrochemical Sensor with Solid Electrolyte and Novel Reference Electrode system, primarily in three categories: Fixed Area Monitors, Portable Leak Locators, and In- Line Analyzers. The company also provides AMC, calibration, repairs, consultancy, and bespoke product design services.
The prime drivers for technology acceptance are ultra-high selectivity to Hydrogen, 1 part per million to 100% purity range and the ability to operate in air, inert, and combustible gases, under vary¬ing pressures, including vacuum. With an initial response in under 2 seconds, this ingenuously developed technology has overcome several gaps in Hydrogen sensing.
“Technology patents for CMOS MEMS Platform Technology have been granted in the USA and China, with nationals filed in India, EU, and Hong Kong. We are supported by II-Bombay Nano fabrication Facility for bespoke MEMS prototype fabrication and are also engaging with the World’s No.1 Pure Play MEMS Foundry for commercial production.
Our infrastructure includes a sophisticated gas calibration & electrical/ electronic characterization facility, real life simulation benches, and experimentation labs for building new products and technologies” highlights Prof. R. Vasant Kumar, Head of Materials Chemistry Group, University of Cambridge, UK, and Director at Multi Nano Sense Technologies.
Despite Covid-19 pressures, the journey to fabricate MEMS gas sensors in India has begun, supported by global commercial foundries and supply chain partners for pack¬aging, micro-electronics and OSAT services. “We have 40+ B2B paying customers spread across India and engage with top R&D teams of global behemoths for solution co-creation.
Our goal is to Make in India for the World. We plan to complete POC trials with MEMS sensors for H2 and H2 blend purity analysis, semiconductor equipment in-situ analysis, lithium-ion battery safety and home LPG/ PNG safety within the next year, while strongly growing our Hydrogen sensors business.” concludes Shashank.
We are catalyzing our growth through collaborative partnerships with Indian and Global Leaders in Semi¬conductors Manufacturing, Hydrogen Economy, Clean Energy, Energy Storage, Environment & Air Quality, Smart Assets, Homes, and Cities.” says Shashank Kumar, Co-Founder, Director & CEO.
Driving Unrivaled Experience
Multi Nano Sense Technologies presently offers cut¬ting edge Hydrogen Sensors based on indigenously developed Patented Solid State Electrochemical Sensor with Solid Electrolyte and Novel Reference Electrode system, primarily in three categories: Fixed Area Monitors, Portable Leak Locators, and In- Line Analyzers. The company also provides AMC, calibration, repairs, consultancy, and bespoke product design services.
The prime drivers for technology acceptance are ultra-high selectivity to Hydrogen, 1 part per million to 100% purity range and the ability to operate in air, inert, and combustible gases, under vary¬ing pressures, including vacuum. With an initial response in under 2 seconds, this ingenuously developed technology has overcome several gaps in Hydrogen sensing.
“Technology patents for CMOS MEMS Platform Technology have been granted in the USA and China, with nationals filed in India, EU, and Hong Kong. We are supported by II-Bombay Nano fabrication Facility for bespoke MEMS prototype fabrication and are also engaging with the World’s No.1 Pure Play MEMS Foundry for commercial production.
Our infrastructure includes a sophisticated gas calibration & electrical/ electronic characterization facility, real life simulation benches, and experimentation labs for building new products and technologies” highlights Prof. R. Vasant Kumar, Head of Materials Chemistry Group, University of Cambridge, UK, and Director at Multi Nano Sense Technologies.
Despite Covid-19 pressures, the journey to fabricate MEMS gas sensors in India has begun, supported by global commercial foundries and supply chain partners for pack¬aging, micro-electronics and OSAT services. “We have 40+ B2B paying customers spread across India and engage with top R&D teams of global behemoths for solution co-creation.
Our goal is to Make in India for the World. We plan to complete POC trials with MEMS sensors for H2 and H2 blend purity analysis, semiconductor equipment in-situ analysis, lithium-ion battery safety and home LPG/ PNG safety within the next year, while strongly growing our Hydrogen sensors business.” concludes Shashank.