Raghuveer Surupa, Founder
Trust and healthcare go hand in hand. For any product or service provider in the healthcare sector, the element of trust is an integral part. Especially in the vertical of Oncology, it is a game changer. Dignite Cancer Care based in the city of Mumbai upholds this vision since the day of its inception. The primary need to gain the trust of a consumer, that too when the consumer is a patient of cancer, is the one this platform wants to fulfil with all its strength and dedication. “Dignite is a combination of two words. Dignity+ignite, ensuring dignity and igniting passion for life. Cancer treatment can be hard both physically and mentally, How ever, there are several products and services that have helped patients improve their day to day life during treatment. But most patients do not know about these products and services since information about them is scattered and often difficult to find.
Dignite aspires to have all these products and services in one place making it easier for patients to discover them. “We want to ignite
the passion for life and build a community in such a way that patients believe that cancer is not the end of the world. There is life during cancer and there could be life after cancer and they should continue treatment in that spirit”, says Raghuveer Surupa, Founder, Dignite Cancer Care.
"Dignite is extending its reaches in B2B and B2B sector and would like to interact with potential investors at this stage"
The Offerings
Dignite Cancer Care is emerging as an e-commerce platform which specialises in daily use products and services that improves quality of life of cancer patients. Now, for anyone to visit the website and avail the products and services, trusting the platform is the first priority. So, in order to penetrate this highly competitive market, Dignite comes with its own solutions. The blog section of the platform that publishes articles and information related to cancer treatment and cancer wellness has helped thousands of patients collect useful information about their condition and various processes as to how they can better manage their day to day life during cancer.
The section called as the Cancer Talk With Dignite has helped add significant value to the lives of several cancer patients. It is the section where the founder comes in conversation with cancer survivors, authors, doctors and caretakers of cancer patients. This video series has helped
"Dignite is extending its reaches in B2B and B2B sector and would like to interact with potential investors at this stage"
The Offerings
Dignite Cancer Care is emerging as an e-commerce platform which specialises in daily use products and services that improves quality of life of cancer patients. Now, for anyone to visit the website and avail the products and services, trusting the platform is the first priority. So, in order to penetrate this highly competitive market, Dignite comes with its own solutions. The blog section of the platform that publishes articles and information related to cancer treatment and cancer wellness has helped thousands of patients collect useful information about their condition and various processes as to how they can better manage their day to day life during cancer.
The section called as the Cancer Talk With Dignite has helped add significant value to the lives of several cancer patients. It is the section where the founder comes in conversation with cancer survivors, authors, doctors and caretakers of cancer patients. This video series has helped
build solidarity with in the cancer community and provide much needed hope for newly diagnosed cancer patients.
The idea here is to build solidarity within the community by show casing relatable patient or survivor stories, develop trust by providing useful information and more importantly provide hope to newly diagnosed cancer patients so that they can take the treatment head on.
Growth and the Future ahead
Dignite is extending its reaches in the B2B as well as the B2C sector. On one hand it is collaborating with some of the popular healthcare companies of the country with their patient assistance programs and on the other, it is rendering oncology products and services to customers through the online platform. In the next few months, Raghuveer plans to raise the first round of angel investments and build a better structure for the company and prepare it for the long run.
Expressing his good will about the company and talking about the future plans, Raghuveer concludes, “I want to start other therapies at Dignite. Within the next 5 years, I want to have therapies for 6-7 lifestyle diseases on my platform and build a strong community.
Dignite would provide relevant products and services to any long term illness patients who need to change their lifestyle to improve their quality of life.
The idea here is to build solidarity within the community by show casing relatable patient or survivor stories, develop trust by providing useful information and more importantly provide hope to newly diagnosed cancer patients so that they can take the treatment head on.
Growth and the Future ahead
Dignite is extending its reaches in the B2B as well as the B2C sector. On one hand it is collaborating with some of the popular healthcare companies of the country with their patient assistance programs and on the other, it is rendering oncology products and services to customers through the online platform. In the next few months, Raghuveer plans to raise the first round of angel investments and build a better structure for the company and prepare it for the long run.
Expressing his good will about the company and talking about the future plans, Raghuveer concludes, “I want to start other therapies at Dignite. Within the next 5 years, I want to have therapies for 6-7 lifestyle diseases on my platform and build a strong community.
Dignite would provide relevant products and services to any long term illness patients who need to change their lifestyle to improve their quality of life.