Dr.Archana Linto
Medical Director
Shadanga streamlines its services and quality and quality standards by continuous training and resource support. It was established in 2019 with head office in Delhi-NCR by co-founders Dr. Archana Linto & Dr. Linto Jacob.
The company specializes in neuromuscular diseases, degenerative conditions and lifestyle disorders like Arthritis, Rheumatism, Muscular dystrophy, Diabetes, Hypertension, COPD, Hormonal Imbalance, PCOD, Obesity, Spine care, Skin care, Panchakarma Detox and Neuro-muscular rehab services. Also,provides online Ayurvedic Doctor Consultation, Ayurvedic Diet Consultation, Prakriti Analysis, Wellness Counselling and Ayurveda &Yoga training programs.
Bringing Ayurvedic Treatments at Home
Through an online portal, the customers can book their services and have the services delivered by the closest available outlet in that location by a qualified Ayurveda therapist, under doctor supervision. Shadanga also introduced “AYURVEDIC TREATMENTS AT HOME” for Seniors Citizens & Bedridden Patients during Covid-19 Pandemic to help them assist with their prescribed treatments at the comfort of their home.
Shadanga is true essence of KERALA AYURVEDA, providing authentic natural solutions of clinical Ayurveda for common debilitating health conditions. According to ancient Ayurveda classics, human body is
broadly divided in to SHADANGA, meaning 6 major parts - 2 upper limbs, 2 lower limbs, head & trunk. Through years of research and practice Shadanga Ayurveda has developed scientific protocols for practical implementation of Shad-Upkrama (6 types of Healing Techniques). Shadanga emphasizes on Panchakarma Protocols of Ayurveda which provides complete cure by eliminating root cause of the disease which are scientifically proven.

Shadanga was selected as the only Health-tech startup from India among 20 startups from 6 countries for pitch at OPN Canada. It has also been recognized & listed as an AYURSHILED IMMUNITY CLINIC, an initiative by CII. Officially, it was recognized as startup by the Department of Promotion of Industry & Internal Trade (DPIIT). The internal working team promotes and motivates mutual respect and work-life balance.
The Future Roadmap is to Abridge The Demand-Supply Gap
Shadanga started as a conventional company to operate Ayurveda clinics, Treatment centers, Retreats & wellness centers at various locations and it has opened outlets at Delhi-NCR & Kerala. Shadanga has evolved as Health-Tech company for delivering Ayurvedic services due to huge demand for onsite clinical services during Pandemic time, especially from South Delhi & Gurgaon. Its planning to roll out quicker service delivery for other areas of Delhi-NCR in next phase and to expand in Tier-1 & Tier-2 cities of India in coming 3 years as well.
It also plans to develop other scalable & complimenting health deliverables like Ayurveda Kitchen to provide Ayurvedic Healing Food to doorstep using the same platform. Since Shadanga is a bootstrapped start-up, it may look for raising funds to develop the comprehensive technological product to scale up its operations in next phase.
The main goal is to abridge the demand-supply issues with comprehensive solutions with the help of advanced technology and by partnering with Ayurveda Doctors and service providers.

Shadanga was selected as the only Health-tech startup from India among 20 startups from 6 countries for pitch at OPN Canada. It has also been recognized & listed as an AYURSHILED IMMUNITY CLINIC, an initiative by CII. Officially, it was recognized as startup by the Department of Promotion of Industry & Internal Trade (DPIIT). The internal working team promotes and motivates mutual respect and work-life balance.
The Future Roadmap is to Abridge The Demand-Supply Gap
Shadanga started as a conventional company to operate Ayurveda clinics, Treatment centers, Retreats & wellness centers at various locations and it has opened outlets at Delhi-NCR & Kerala. Shadanga has evolved as Health-Tech company for delivering Ayurvedic services due to huge demand for onsite clinical services during Pandemic time, especially from South Delhi & Gurgaon. Its planning to roll out quicker service delivery for other areas of Delhi-NCR in next phase and to expand in Tier-1 & Tier-2 cities of India in coming 3 years as well.
It also plans to develop other scalable & complimenting health deliverables like Ayurveda Kitchen to provide Ayurvedic Healing Food to doorstep using the same platform. Since Shadanga is a bootstrapped start-up, it may look for raising funds to develop the comprehensive technological product to scale up its operations in next phase.
The main goal is to abridge the demand-supply issues with comprehensive solutions with the help of advanced technology and by partnering with Ayurveda Doctors and service providers.