Vidushi Daga, CEO
Mumbai-based WhizJuniors is known to be the only social-gamified tech-learning platform enabling students to learn and develop multiple skills in a fun way on their own and present their big ideas to the world. The unique concept was ideated by Vidushi Daga who observed how her own children and their friends spent more than four hours of unproductive time online either on games or social media. “I realized that they often lack focus when it comes to online learning. Further, they tend to avoid topics which may be considered difficult. Due to these reasons, their online learning is mostly unstructured. Students have little opportunity to learn relevant tech courses outside their school syllabus. I decided to zero in upon creating a platform that would help them in easy and quick learning of the latest tech courses through online videos. We are democratizing technology learning while making learning fun,” says Vidushi.
The thought of introducing learning through gamification is something that has proven the company to be an agent of change in today’s era. “Our path-based learning is up-skilling children to be at par with the skills that the industry is demanding. We believe that we have the most effective form of technology learning available in the
market today,” she mentions. The company has partnered with UNESCO to align with their goals of bringing grassroots initiatives in education that invites the youth around the world to take part in the Worldwide Multimedia Competition. Vidushi exclaims, “Partnering with UNESCO has been one of the greatest additions. We have been able to amplify our reach to students not just in India but even outside of India. Aahaan Phadnis from Jeevan Shiksha Rishikul, a star student of WhizJuniors has won the UNESCO Worldwide Competition last year and has credited us for his win. In this particular year, we’ve had two winners from Whizjuniors for the UNESCO Worldwide Multimedia Competition and it has been the best news we’ve heard in the past few days. It makes us feel very proud that we’re providing the best platforms and exposure to children. Even this year’s winners, Namya Joshi and Yohaan Sanghvi, have credited their success to Whizjuniors, that’s the best validation we could ever receive.”
"A Social- Gamified Tech- Learning Platform Enabling Students To Learn And Develop Multiple Skills In A Fun Way On Their Own And Present Their Big Ideas To The World"
The Special Features
Once the students register themselves with the platform, they learn from tech courses through simple and easy videos. They start testing the knowledge while playing, they practice by watching the practical reference videos and creating the same. “We then take a test after which they get certification accredited from IAO, Texas USA. Throughout the journey on the platform, the students earn XP’s, levels, gems which they can redeem on the WhizStore for the
"A Social- Gamified Tech- Learning Platform Enabling Students To Learn And Develop Multiple Skills In A Fun Way On Their Own And Present Their Big Ideas To The World"
The Special Features
Once the students register themselves with the platform, they learn from tech courses through simple and easy videos. They start testing the knowledge while playing, they practice by watching the practical reference videos and creating the same. “We then take a test after which they get certification accredited from IAO, Texas USA. Throughout the journey on the platform, the students earn XP’s, levels, gems which they can redeem on the WhizStore for the
gadget. More than 151,000 students spend 23 minutes of online productive time per day,’she asserts.
The Growth
WhizJuniors was launched in January 2015 as an offline inter-school competition across 19 schools in Mumbai and was consequently rolled out across 360 schools in India by January 2016. Parallelly, it launched an online gamified platform in October 2016 which has since on boarded 153,000 students from 130 cities and over 1,150 schools across India. The platform currently offers 114 courses and has over 9,517 minutes of video content. The company has also expanded its distribution channel by on boarding 10 affiliates and 5 clubs, and has been accredited by the International Accreditation Organization, USA. Today, Whiz Juniors has a monthly active user base of approximately 23,000 users, each spending an average of 25 minutes per day on the platform. “If we continue at the same pace, we will have 1 million students registered by 2020 and 10 million students registered by 2022. So, at five percent conversion, we see a profit of 26 crores from 2020,” Vidushi concludes.
"Today, Whiz Juniors has a monthly active user base of approximately 23,000 users, each spending an average of 25 minutes per day on the platform"
To sum it up,WhizJuniors is creating a social, employment & economic impact. It’s a long-term solution which imbibes problem-solving, critical thinking, analytical thinking and quantitative reasoning, logical argumentation, communication skills thus leading to social and economic prosperity.
The Growth
WhizJuniors was launched in January 2015 as an offline inter-school competition across 19 schools in Mumbai and was consequently rolled out across 360 schools in India by January 2016. Parallelly, it launched an online gamified platform in October 2016 which has since on boarded 153,000 students from 130 cities and over 1,150 schools across India. The platform currently offers 114 courses and has over 9,517 minutes of video content. The company has also expanded its distribution channel by on boarding 10 affiliates and 5 clubs, and has been accredited by the International Accreditation Organization, USA. Today, Whiz Juniors has a monthly active user base of approximately 23,000 users, each spending an average of 25 minutes per day on the platform. “If we continue at the same pace, we will have 1 million students registered by 2020 and 10 million students registered by 2022. So, at five percent conversion, we see a profit of 26 crores from 2020,” Vidushi concludes.
"Today, Whiz Juniors has a monthly active user base of approximately 23,000 users, each spending an average of 25 minutes per day on the platform"
To sum it up,WhizJuniors is creating a social, employment & economic impact. It’s a long-term solution which imbibes problem-solving, critical thinking, analytical thinking and quantitative reasoning, logical argumentation, communication skills thus leading to social and economic prosperity.