Ishaan Gupta
Founder & Managing Partner
For a person like Ishaan who has held numerous roles in the financial industry including Citigroup Investment Bank and QVT, a New York based hedge fund; converting this experience into a plausible business outcome was just around the corner. His diversified interest towards investment and technology especially in the quantitative investing aspect and the application part of Artificial Intelligence (AI) & automation paved a way to first of its kind digital platform called Wixifi in 2015.
Since inception, the company has gone through a highly erratic and transformational phase - surpassed every single setback
Wixifi’s automated advisory services and portfolio import feature have made it super easyfor the investors to manage their portfolios in one place without any human bias
Get an Automated Portfolio Tailor-made for You
When we look at the behemoths of the industry in the financial space, they have taken around 100 years to build the brand. Now with the advent of internet and digitization, Wixifi has envisioned to build a similar brand in less than 5-10 years, which is a big challenge. Additionally, there are 80+ startups in the robo advisory space - and this makes Ishaan feel that surviving 5 years is a competitive advantage in this space.
Further, he mentions, “This space is not like the eCommerce segment where rapid scale up can occur due to selling negative gross margin products. Money is a very emotional topic and trust in the brand trumps - even the returns. There are no shortcuts in investing as get rich quick schemes do not work! Patience is the best strategy in investing.”
Switch to Direct!
Last year, Wixifi has grown 5x times in terms of its user base (i.e, 3000+ users) and revenue wise they are growing 10 percent MoM. Most important of all,the company is keeping its team lean so that they can sustain on a long run and survive the length of time required to build a brand in the retail financial services space. Emphasizing on the mutual fund investors on how they can immensely benefit out of their platform, Ishaan says, “Switch to direct. You save about 1 percent a year which compounded over 10years and that makes a huge difference. We have made this process super easy for you. Just import your CAMS statement into our platform and hit -switch to direct! And increase the return on your fund investments just by fee reduction in the direct plans versus the high fee regular plans. Wixifi’s portfolio import feature makes it simple for the users to switch from the clutches of regular plansto the freedom of direct plans rapidly.”