Hemant Arora
Managing Director
Lucknow-based Tachyon Broadband was set up with the vision to revolutionize internet consumption in Lucknow. The concept of Tachyon germinated with the need for good internet services in 2015 when absurd internet charges with poor connectivity prevailed in the city. The idea was to utilize the existing customers and network infrastructure and make a switch from Copper and Radio frequency (the conventional methods to provide internet) to Optical Fiber Connection to deliver high-speed broadband in Lucknow. "We began operations in 2016. Our major focus initially was setting up and managing an efficient optical fiber network in major areas of the city and marketing the benefits of fiber broadband. When we started operating, 10 Mbps was considered a very high-speed connection whereas now our basic plan starts with 100 Mbps and we provide speeds up to 1 Gbps/1024 Mbps," informs the founder.
Tachyon is among one of the first ISP's in Uttar Pradesh to use GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network) and FTTH (Fiber to the Home) technology capable of delivering high speed broadband over optical fiber
To keep pace with the latest technological advancements, Tachyon embraces the latest hardware and software to develop an efficient network infrastructure, tie-ups with major players for better traffic management and use of digital platforms for online marketing, customer support, digital payments and provision of services on-the-go. The company is currently in the process of adding a host of services under one roof like VOIP, Networking, and Home Security. "We are also working on updating our existing website, creating a fresh digital campaign and utilizing AI-Chat bots to reach and engage with customers more effectively," he says.
Additionally, to provide them with a seamless experience, it has worked on low latency routing and has tied up with various CDN's (Content Delivery Networks) and delivered highest quality streaming, surfing and gaming experience.
Standing Out in the Crowd
Tachyon's customer base has increased by two-folds this year and it has registered a 10 -15 per cent increase in revenue per quarter since the past two years. "We are working on expanding our services to nearby cities and adding more services like voice calling, networking and home security under our belt. We are collaborating with various local businesses and raising more funds to achieve the same," he concludes.