Gururaj Kulkarni
Founder & CEO
Acquiring and implementing newfangled process automation being oblivious to the established protocols and processes made everyone uncomfortable. It is this turn of events that induced him to step forward and remove this complexities causing pestering this transfiguration. In this light, he brought into existence GRPS Labs, a tech platform that allows organizations to avail the power of voguish customized automation tools to mutate their data into meaningful deliverables. "I had the vision to solve this complexity i.e. solution to the big problem that exists within the traditional company set-up. GRPS Lab is the outcome of this breath of view. I decided to invest my time, money and energy into this tech company and manoeuvres to make the rigid and complicated software and tech solutions simply and plain sailing for the every organization and help them navigate out of the legacy system," narrates Gururaj Kulkarni, Founder & CEO.
GRPS Labs offers a wide variety of offerings services and solutions that can be
catalogued under the categories Automation, Advanced Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Process Outsourcing and Advisory. Under each category, the company advances a slew of services ranging from Process Improvement, path Modeling, Big Data Mining, Knowledge Process and many such relevant technology and software solutions. In essence, the company teams up with its clients to innovate tech solutions that modifies their working and decision making style.
The Breakthrough
Embedded in the year 2018, GPRS has left a breathtaking impact in the market. With only three people in the team, the firm has witnessed a revenue of 22 lakh in its very first year. Gradually, it kept on expanding in terms of clients, revenue and geographical presence. By 2019, the company had formed a team of 17 people and launched itself in the international market. At present, it serves more than 10 international clients in Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, UAE, Egypt, UK, Thailand and Philippines.
It is the innovative, hard work and dedication of the team members facilitated this remarkable success of GRPS Labs. The authorities of the company have perceived that good hands can craft a good future. And that is reason that they pay utmost importance of quality recruitment and hiring procedures. Through this endeavor that they can single out the best talent, hire them and endow them with the opportunity to create wonders. To give them an opportune space to probe their caliber, the company has created a robust work culture that preaches Integrity, Innovativeness, Boldness and Authenticity. This gives the workforce the space to come up with trailblazing top-notch innovations. To keep the employees contented, GPRS Labs is putting up enticing perks like Comprehensive Group Health Insurance, flexi work hours, work from home options, Tax friendly salary components, meal coupon cards, cab & meal re-imbursements for late sitting or work during weekends and comprehensive leave policy which is best in the industry.
Numerous set of circumstances are being framed to allow the working staff to prosper and evolve."Our future lies in the hands of our team. The success of our ideas and approaches hugely depends on how well they are executed. That is why we look for candidates with right attitude, willingness to learn and having a growth mindset. Being fortunate enough we have a prolific workforce with the essential qualities who have been adroitly carrying off our conceptions. To keep them motivated and happy we design a work culture that suites all generations and their mindset," he avers.
What does its Future Looks Like
GRPS Labs has set its sight on keeping its graceful and palmy stature alive in the coming times. It has every intention to raise its growth graph substantially which it intends to do by on boarding new but meaningful clients and serve the existing one with better services. The company is all geared up to ameliorate and at the same time add on more effectual solutions and products and also proceed towards increasing the revenue up to three crores.
The Breakthrough
Embedded in the year 2018, GPRS has left a breathtaking impact in the market. With only three people in the team, the firm has witnessed a revenue of 22 lakh in its very first year. Gradually, it kept on expanding in terms of clients, revenue and geographical presence. By 2019, the company had formed a team of 17 people and launched itself in the international market. At present, it serves more than 10 international clients in Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, UAE, Egypt, UK, Thailand and Philippines.
It is the innovative, hard work and dedication of the team members facilitated this remarkable success of GRPS Labs. The authorities of the company have perceived that good hands can craft a good future. And that is reason that they pay utmost importance of quality recruitment and hiring procedures. Through this endeavor that they can single out the best talent, hire them and endow them with the opportunity to create wonders. To give them an opportune space to probe their caliber, the company has created a robust work culture that preaches Integrity, Innovativeness, Boldness and Authenticity. This gives the workforce the space to come up with trailblazing top-notch innovations. To keep the employees contented, GPRS Labs is putting up enticing perks like Comprehensive Group Health Insurance, flexi work hours, work from home options, Tax friendly salary components, meal coupon cards, cab & meal re-imbursements for late sitting or work during weekends and comprehensive leave policy which is best in the industry.
Numerous Set Of Circumstances Are Being Framed To Allow The Working Staff To Prosper And Evolve
Numerous set of circumstances are being framed to allow the working staff to prosper and evolve."Our future lies in the hands of our team. The success of our ideas and approaches hugely depends on how well they are executed. That is why we look for candidates with right attitude, willingness to learn and having a growth mindset. Being fortunate enough we have a prolific workforce with the essential qualities who have been adroitly carrying off our conceptions. To keep them motivated and happy we design a work culture that suites all generations and their mindset," he avers.
What does its Future Looks Like
GRPS Labs has set its sight on keeping its graceful and palmy stature alive in the coming times. It has every intention to raise its growth graph substantially which it intends to do by on boarding new but meaningful clients and serve the existing one with better services. The company is all geared up to ameliorate and at the same time add on more effectual solutions and products and also proceed towards increasing the revenue up to three crores.