Muhammed Rafeeque, Founder
Deepa Rafeeque, Chief Corporate Trainer
Bangalore-based VLegal has worked for Public Sector Undertakings (Airports Authority of India, National Small Industries Corporation, Project and Equipment Corporation), Public Private Partnerships (Delhi International Airport Private Limited GMR) & Multi-national companies (Aircel Telecom). It is one of
the Institutions empanelled by Ministry Women & Child Development, Govt.of India for providing training under Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013 (POSH Act).
Understanding that one of the crucial needs of corporate is to sensitize the employees about the legal implications of their day to day works; the company solely focuses on the legal training needs of the corporate and designs different training modules. “As the study of law is not in our school curriculum, there are no other ways to sensitize people about the implications of it. Of late, the trainings are mandated by law like POSH Act and POCSO Act where the awareness sessions are a mandatory compliance,” asserts Rafeeque.
Be a POSH Enabler is one of such programs that is designed by team VLegal for freelance trainers & corporates. “Within a year, we have completed 10 Public Workshops on POSH Law, across the country. We are glad that we have trained around 180 trainers and now they are competent to undertake the corporate awareness sessions. Our next project is to conduct such trainings under POCSO Act so as to spread the awareness in educational institutions against the sexual abuse of children and its stringent consequences,” says Rafeeque.

Deepa Rafeeque, Chief Corporate Trainer
The Road Ahead
VLegal serves across India. VLegal, over the years, has made a significant presence as a firm exclusively for corporate training on legal topics. “It has a huge scope. We need infrastructure and manpower to pursue the corporate to bring it into its priorities. What we offer is the team of dedicated expert trainers and the content,” says Deepa.
The legal and regulatory regime of business operation in India is complex. Unless constant advises & legal awareness sessions, it’s difficult to do the business. Keeping this in view, VLegal has to work on online modules for the corporate employees, where they are unable to send them for classroom training.
VLEGAL solely focuses on the legal training needs of the corporate and Designs different training modules
Understanding that one of the crucial needs of corporate is to sensitize the employees about the legal implications of their day to day works; the company solely focuses on the legal training needs of the corporate and designs different training modules. “As the study of law is not in our school curriculum, there are no other ways to sensitize people about the implications of it. Of late, the trainings are mandated by law like POSH Act and POCSO Act where the awareness sessions are a mandatory compliance,” asserts Rafeeque.
Be a POSH Enabler is one of such programs that is designed by team VLegal for freelance trainers & corporates. “Within a year, we have completed 10 Public Workshops on POSH Law, across the country. We are glad that we have trained around 180 trainers and now they are competent to undertake the corporate awareness sessions. Our next project is to conduct such trainings under POCSO Act so as to spread the awareness in educational institutions against the sexual abuse of children and its stringent consequences,” says Rafeeque.

Deepa Rafeeque, Chief Corporate Trainer
The Road Ahead
VLegal serves across India. VLegal, over the years, has made a significant presence as a firm exclusively for corporate training on legal topics. “It has a huge scope. We need infrastructure and manpower to pursue the corporate to bring it into its priorities. What we offer is the team of dedicated expert trainers and the content,” says Deepa.
The legal and regulatory regime of business operation in India is complex. Unless constant advises & legal awareness sessions, it’s difficult to do the business. Keeping this in view, VLegal has to work on online modules for the corporate employees, where they are unable to send them for classroom training.