Emcy Joseph,Founder
In digital connect we might actually count up 100s of friends in the list, but in reality many of them are virtual. Digital connects like Socials, games etc. are beautiful platforms but they drive people away from real physical connect to a certain extent. So we wanted to have something new that can sustain the valuable real connect through technology itself. When the founding team thought of real connect, a green surface came to their minds, where friends do fight,stand together, plan strategy, succeed, failed, cry, laugh but all these for the fun of sports. Thus was born upUPUP, a sports tech environment, which helps people connect in reality.
The lack of information about sports fields and facilities that are locally available often tends to deteriorate the sense of refreshment among the youth. Emcy Joseph’s upUPUP was established considering the same need. “upUPUP is a sports application wherein people meet and it lets them find venues to play in their own favourite sport, and also find co-players with similar taste in sports”,says Emcy.
The population in the cities,
according to Emcy,suffer from this
lack of information, solely because majority of the population in the cities are immigrants and not locals. Only because they do not have the information of sports fields and sports centres of the cities they are living in, they are unable to have access to their favourite sports. Emcy says.
"upUPUP is the single solution for the sports, innovated by technology"
Sailing against the Wind
Although, the initial insights for upUPUP resided upon establishing the connection between players and playgrounds,the idea made way to the portrayal of the diversifying potentials of the platform. Now, it doesn’t only collaborate with the sports centres but has also started incorporating coaches and trainers to further facilitate its purpose. “Only from the initial idea we realised that this is not only between sports enthusiasts and sports centres. This can go beyond that and stand for the industry. So, we thought of including all the industry parallels to our application like sports trainers and coaches and sports retailers and also sports ground creators”, says Emcy. He adds, “All these industry parallels that have been introduced to the application are aimed at growing new business relationships with everyone related to the sports industry so that everyone can play a part in lifting this platform up.”
Understanding the Difficulties
Sports industry is actually booming in Kerala, but there are challenges too. Let’s take the example of
lack of information, solely because majority of the population in the cities are immigrants and not locals. Only because they do not have the information of sports fields and sports centres of the cities they are living in, they are unable to have access to their favourite sports. Emcy says.
"upUPUP is the single solution for the sports, innovated by technology"
Sailing against the Wind
Although, the initial insights for upUPUP resided upon establishing the connection between players and playgrounds,the idea made way to the portrayal of the diversifying potentials of the platform. Now, it doesn’t only collaborate with the sports centres but has also started incorporating coaches and trainers to further facilitate its purpose. “Only from the initial idea we realised that this is not only between sports enthusiasts and sports centres. This can go beyond that and stand for the industry. So, we thought of including all the industry parallels to our application like sports trainers and coaches and sports retailers and also sports ground creators”, says Emcy. He adds, “All these industry parallels that have been introduced to the application are aimed at growing new business relationships with everyone related to the sports industry so that everyone can play a part in lifting this platform up.”
Understanding the Difficulties
Sports industry is actually booming in Kerala, but there are challenges too. Let’s take the example of
sports venues. Fluctuating and low revenues, high expenses, discontinued members, lack of knowledge in marketing the venue etc. upUPUP has all the solutions to these problems. It lets the sports centres sell 24X7 and lets the world know about the sports venues even if they are remotely located.
The sports lovers also have challenges to find their daily sports time. Unpredictable daily schedule, fluctuating routine, difficulties in finding coplayers and sports venues nearby etc. are some of them. But using upUPUP they are able to play their favourite sports where ever they are and whenever they want and pay only when they play. They can find coplayers too!
The Road Ahead
upUPUP expects to grow at a very sharp rate in times to come. It is gradually penetrating into the market of the Tier 1 cities where the demands for these kinds of platforms are growing with every passing day. Emcy concludes, “Thanks to all our partners and users for accepting and staying with us. We have been shared many pain points and challenges from users side, partners like Sports retailers, venue owners, coaches & trainers, Court makers etc. With the help of technology, we are developing exciting solutions to these. So we have a short-term goal of upgraded versions upUPUP with all these solutions. We also have plans to cross country with presence in many more cities across the world by 2020.”
The sports lovers also have challenges to find their daily sports time. Unpredictable daily schedule, fluctuating routine, difficulties in finding coplayers and sports venues nearby etc. are some of them. But using upUPUP they are able to play their favourite sports where ever they are and whenever they want and pay only when they play. They can find coplayers too!
The Road Ahead
upUPUP expects to grow at a very sharp rate in times to come. It is gradually penetrating into the market of the Tier 1 cities where the demands for these kinds of platforms are growing with every passing day. Emcy concludes, “Thanks to all our partners and users for accepting and staying with us. We have been shared many pain points and challenges from users side, partners like Sports retailers, venue owners, coaches & trainers, Court makers etc. With the help of technology, we are developing exciting solutions to these. So we have a short-term goal of upgraded versions upUPUP with all these solutions. We also have plans to cross country with presence in many more cities across the world by 2020.”