Take Your Startup To A Right Route

Pursue What You Desperately Want
First of all, it is utterly important to find what you truly want. In the starting up period, you will confront with numerous obstacles, setbacks and problems. If you truly love what you do, you could fight for it for your entire life. No obstacles will ever hold you back, and no barrier will ever slow down your pace. As I have experienced, I love what I do, and at the same time, I hope what I do creates value to other people, and to the society as a whole. With this bearing in mind, when there are problems, I am not afraid that I could not overcome. People around me feel like I do not get tired. May-be it is because I know with all my heart that what I do is what I want to do, and what I love to do. Work to startup; you should always keep in mind your true obsession. It will make you happy in this rough route, and you are more likely to succeed than others.
Resources You Have
After determining what you want, you will also need to think about resources you have. As long as you possess resources others do not have, you will have a comparative advantage over others, and there are more chances you are able to succeed. The resource is not limited to the goods you have, it involves all the operations a company needs to run smoothly. For example, if you have buyer resources that could help you with business running, you will have a constant income. If you know a lot of people who are likely to purchase a product, you will have a large customer base. If you have management knowledge, you will be able to organize an excellent team and achieve a goal along with people who share your view. And of course, if you have enough funds, you will feel a lot of things run smoothly. In all, resources is what you need to stand out from ordinary business and construct a solid foundation for your startup.
Seize the Opportunity
I began with my startup when I saw
that in overseas business, a lot of middle men added little value to business process, but lifted price by a large chunk. It was at the time the Internet was paving the whole world. As the world saturated with information technology, it was only time's matter that sellers and buyers connect directly with each other. I was determined to work to eliminate the information gap, to accelerate the communication process, and let product resume its real value, like what is said in our slogan Flatten the world with technology. The sole meaning and destination of the company and myself is to make a more easily accessible and connected world. This is what I sincerely wish for, and fortunately, it became a great opportunity. Marketing service on PC ends, and later mobile ends skyrocketed along with the development of the Inter-net, mobile Internet and smart phone.
When I first started the company, it dealt with marketing on PC ends, the market tended to mature, and made it difficult for us to have a major breakthrough. Therefore, when smartphones appeared and gained popularity, our company decided to go all-in on mobile end. It was a bold move, but not without deep consideration. We had rough time then, but as we switched to mobile Internet at the proper time, we became a leading player in the industry. Therefore, to seize the opportunity, as a startup, you need to have overall observation of the whole market and a decisive mind to comply with trend.
Get Yourself an Excellent Team
Of course, we need to work with a team. Like the re-sources part mentioned above, one person could not gather all the resources needed to succeed. Contribution from members of the team could make the company run far and fast. If we compare a company to a boat, during the journey, members on the boat will always need to steer the boat to one determined and agreed direction.
India is repeatedly referred to as the future of business. It is the country I particularly feel optimistic about. It will be the next China, but not quite. India has the advantages China does not. It has no language barrier with the U.S. and western countries, and it skips over PC era and directly heads into mobile Internet era. Businesses dealing in India no longer need to operate in PC terminal and switch customers to mobile end. These are the reasons why India is so popular in investment circle and all over the forums and conferences on technology. Nowadays, e-Commerce businesses have obviously viewed India as their most important market. The local Flipkart and Snapdeal are in fierce battle with the business mammoth Amazon. Future also lies in gaming field. Though currently, Indian population do not spend much on games, the marketing research and study shows India's gaming population has a huge potential to vow the world.
Though the tips or `HOW-TOs' above seem obvious to some, it is really the ultimate secret to build a strong startup. If there is anything else, take this sentence from Masayoshi Son, Founder, President & CEO of Soft-bank with you all the way on your adventurous journey "Everything starts from a dream and confidence out of nowhere".
Although Indians do not spend much on games now, its gaming population has a huge potential to vow the world
When I first started the company, it dealt with marketing on PC ends, the market tended to mature, and made it difficult for us to have a major breakthrough. Therefore, when smartphones appeared and gained popularity, our company decided to go all-in on mobile end. It was a bold move, but not without deep consideration. We had rough time then, but as we switched to mobile Internet at the proper time, we became a leading player in the industry. Therefore, to seize the opportunity, as a startup, you need to have overall observation of the whole market and a decisive mind to comply with trend.
Get Yourself an Excellent Team
Of course, we need to work with a team. Like the re-sources part mentioned above, one person could not gather all the resources needed to succeed. Contribution from members of the team could make the company run far and fast. If we compare a company to a boat, during the journey, members on the boat will always need to steer the boat to one determined and agreed direction.
India is repeatedly referred to as the future of business. It is the country I particularly feel optimistic about. It will be the next China, but not quite. India has the advantages China does not. It has no language barrier with the U.S. and western countries, and it skips over PC era and directly heads into mobile Internet era. Businesses dealing in India no longer need to operate in PC terminal and switch customers to mobile end. These are the reasons why India is so popular in investment circle and all over the forums and conferences on technology. Nowadays, e-Commerce businesses have obviously viewed India as their most important market. The local Flipkart and Snapdeal are in fierce battle with the business mammoth Amazon. Future also lies in gaming field. Though currently, Indian population do not spend much on games, the marketing research and study shows India's gaming population has a huge potential to vow the world.
Though the tips or `HOW-TOs' above seem obvious to some, it is really the ultimate secret to build a strong startup. If there is anything else, take this sentence from Masayoshi Son, Founder, President & CEO of Soft-bank with you all the way on your adventurous journey "Everything starts from a dream and confidence out of nowhere".