Innovation In Technology Transforming The Face Of Healthcare Industry

Innovation in Healthcare reduces the pressure of Healthcare systems in the world’. Technology in the digital space is growing exponentially by the day. This digital disruption is certainly the most illustrious of its time and has brought major changes in almost all aspects of our lives. And this is significantly affecting the way we perceive and consume utilities. In such changing times, how can healthcare industry be left alone? Digital technology has brought about major changes leaving behind no aspect of the healthcare industry untouched with the online revolution.
Over the past several decades, thanks to improved diagnostic and therapeutic options, healthcare has experienced an explosion of innovations designed to improve life expectancy and quality of life. As healthcare organizations face unprecedented challenges to improve quality, reduce harm, improve access, increase efficiency, eliminate waste, and lower costs, innovation is becoming a major focus once again. Under our present system, just doing our best or working harder will not be enough. The healthcare industry is on the brink of massive change.
When you take a glance at the healthcare industry in the current era and compare the same with the one around 10 years ago, the difference is quite obvious. From the innovation of the biosensors that are able to track heart rate, breathing rate, body temperature, and other vital information to the high-end cloud-based apps that enable the healthcare service providers to cater a diverse range of online services the digital avatar of the healthcare industry is engaging end user and empowering the patients to keep a record of their overall health and well-being like never before.
When it comes to addressing the healthcare needs across India, one cannot restrict the innovation and pricing of the products considering the affordability of the metro cities. Hospitals and clinics in small towns face a myriad of challenges owing to the lack of connectivity and equipment.
People residing in small towns solely rely on the doctors’ opinion. The gap cannot be bridged with the technologies that are available at the top hospitals today. Startups need to address the issues broadly considering the key issues of rural areas like power fluctuation, poor internet connectivity, etc. It has to be self-controlled and massively scalable and affordable. One needs to make sure that innovation should deliver proper healthcare.
• The Advent of wearable devices:
The globe is observing the rising trends of adorning wearable devices that come in a myriad of types and functionalities. Right from the wearable watches to shoes, wristbands, headbands, and even patches–the wearable devices are highly innovative technological applications that are playing a major role in the overall digital healthcare transformation.
As healthcare organizations face unprecedented challenges to improve quality, reduce harm,improve access, increase efficiency, eliminate waste, and lower costs, innovation is becoming a major focus once again
The new-generation wearable medical devices consist of specialized sensors that are able to gather raw, real data with respect to the overall health of an individual. This collected data is then transferred to some database or software application for further analysis. Though most of us are already aware of the high-end innovative wearable devices that are able to track the sleep quality, heart rate, steps, and the overall fitness level, the wearable devices have much more potential.
• The concept of virtual reality:
The world of VR (Virtual Reality) is not simply meant for the gamers. VR is gradually making its entry into the field of premium digital healthcare. As such, the overall concept of Virtual Reality is rising up to become a game changer by reducing the operational costs and improving the level of care offered by the healthcare system. The most common and high-tech instance of the implementation of VR in the healthcare industry is with respect to the advent of the method of robotic surgery which is taking a whole new level in the field of virtual technology.
A robotic machine or device is able to perform various medical operations and major surgeries under the control or guidance by some human specialist or surgeon in some remote location. This results in saving a lot of valuable time and also minimizes the major risks or complications in the given medical condition. The concept of the VR technology in the healthcare industry is also beneficial from the education point of view.
• Cloud computing applications:
The movement of the healthcare industry and partners towards the implementation of highly productive, digital cloud computing solutions has fast-tracked the industry towards enhanced innovation. It has also allowed the healthcare specialists to offer high-end quality healthcare services to the end users. With the help of the cloud computing technology, the healthcare professionals are enabled to stack and get access to relevant data in a remote setting. This allows for accessing the important patient’s data from anywhere in the world almost instantly and effectively.
• Telemedicine:
The conventional ways of visiting healthcare centres for checkups were the only possible ways of diagnosing, treating or managing any given health condition. However, with the advent of the concept of Telemedicine in the healthcare industry, there have been significant transformations. Instead of taking a sick patient to a doctor’s office or a healthcare centre, individuals can now talk over to the concerned healthcare specialist over the video chat or conference live. This concept comes especially useful in case of those patients who are living in remote areas and do not have proper access to a doctor nearby.
Advanced medical technologies for heart care, ear diseases and diabetes are merely some examples of what ground can be covered in the near future in India for the benefit of millions of people. It is time global agencies and national governments would harness the power of these technologies to increase human life-spans while making people healthier and disease-free.