
Setting a Benchmark Strategy in the Digital Education space

In a conversation with Charulatha, Correspondent, Silicon India, Ms Lina Ashar shares her views on the digital education and its benefit. During the conversation she also discussed about the strategy that people have to ensure that relevant education.

Q1. Women in positions of leadership who have strong beliefs may have a significant impact on society and the community at large. Can you tell us about some crucial considerations to consider while beginning a business as a woman?
Women have been engaged and played a role in the school's and overall education system for years. Their participation as instructors, mentors, and principals has only grown. As a woman and a founder of Kangaroo Kids Education Limited & Billabong High International School, I can discuss the importance of certain considerations while starting a business. One crucial factor is to have a clear vision and mission for the company and to remain committed to it even in the face of challenges. It's also important to build a strong team and create a positive company culture that values diversity, inclusivity, and collaboration, which has been my priority since Dreamtime Learning was formed.

Additionally, networking and seeking mentorship from other successful women can be incredibly beneficial in navigating the business world. Finally, learning and adapting as the business grows and evolves continually is essential. By considering these aspects, women can successfully start and lead businesses that make a meaningful impact on society and the community.

Digital education is crucial for a sustainable future because it provides greater access to education for students who may not have had access before, whether due to geographical, financial, or other barriers.

Q2. WhyDigital Education is deemed necessary for a sustainable future?
Digital education is crucial for a sustainable future because it provides greater access to education for students who may not have had access before, whether due to geographical, financial, or other barriers. It also allows for greater flexibility and adaptability in teaching methods with the help of rapidly evolving technologies and changing societal needs. By leveraging digital education thoughtfully and intentionally, we can provide high-quality education to more students while also preparing them for the future of work in the Digital Space.

Q3. How experiential learning is altering the educational environment, Inform us about new and successful learning alternatives, as well as trends impacting the existing educational system?
Experiential learning is revolutionizing the educational environment by creating a more engaging and immersive learning experience for students. By incorporating real-world activities and projects into the curriculum, students can better connect what they learn in the classroom to their daily lives. At Dreamtime Learning School, we're proud to offer a range of innovative and successful learning alternatives that prioritize student engagement and achievement. Our approach is built on a foundation of personalized learning, which recognizes that every student learns differently and seeks to provide tailored educational experiences that meet their individual needs and interests. We also prioritize using technology in education, providing students with access to a range of digital tools and resources that help them learn and grow flexibly and adaptively.

In addition to these new and successful learning alternatives, there are also a number of trends impacting the existing educational system. The first and foremost trend focuses on the growing recognition of the importance of social-emotional learning, which aims at helping students develop important life skills like empathy, communication, and self-awareness. Another trend is the rise of project-based learning, which provides students with real-world experiences that help them develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

"Gender equity in the workplace is still a long way to go. Women should proactively seek opportunities for growth, networking, and mentorship. Women in leadership should also create a more inclusive and equitable workplace culture."

Q4. The school is expanding its presence in academic hotspots like Bangalore, Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi. What is the strategy that you have to ensure that relevant education is accessible, impactful, equitable, and engaging for 1 billion children?
Our mission is to provide accessible, impactful, equitable, and engaging education to children all over the world. We aim to develop a multifaceted strategy that combines innovative technology, personalized learning, and a deep commitment to social responsibility.

One of the key components of our strategy at Dreamtime Learning is to expand our presence in academic hotspots like Bangalore, Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Delhi, through our Online++ model. By establishing a strong local presence in these areas, we can better understand our students' unique needs and challenges and develop educational programs tailored to their specific needs. In addition to this local focus, we also leverage technology to provide high-quality education to students around the world. Our online learning platform is designed to be accessible and flexible, allowing students to learn from anywhere, at any time, and at their own pace. We also use data analytics to personalize the learning experience for each student, helping to ensure that they get the support they need to succeed.

Education is a powerful tool for positive social change, and I am deeply committed to social responsibility. That's why we partnered with organizations and initiatives to improve access to education for underserved communities. By combining these strategies and approaches, we can help provide relevant, impactful, and engaging education to 1 billion children around the world and help create a brighter future for us all.

Q5. What are some tendencies you've seen regarding women at work over the years, and what they might be doing better to progress their careers? How should women in organizations help other women?
As a female entrepreneur, I've seen women soaring high in leadership positions and have successfully entered into the male-dominated society. However, gender equity in the workplace is still a long way to go. Women should proactively seek opportunities for growth, networking, and mentorship. Women in leadership should also create a more inclusive and equitable workplace culture. We can create a more equitable and just society by advocating for ourselves and supporting each other. India has been recognized globally for its entrepreneurship boasting the world's third-largest ecosystem of startups. Its incisive ability to create solutions for the globe has established the country as the fifth-largest economy in the world. According to the World Economic Forum's 2022 Gender Gap Report, the proportion of women founders increased 2.68 times compared to male founders, who grew by 1.79 times, indicating gradual but significant progress.