
Sustainability Is No Longer An Option, But A Necessity In Businesses

Manas Mehrotra is a serial entrepreneur and founder of 315Work Avenue that houses 55+ clients. He is one of the leading voices in the new generation coworking space providers in India.

Sustainability is a trending topic worldwide. In recent years, the business landscape has witnessed a significant shift towards sustainability, with companies increasingly recognizing the need to integrate environmentally and socially responsible practices into their operations. It’s no wonder that it’s also increasingly important to workplaces and how an organization is adapting its practices, processes, and systems to be more eco-friendly. In the past, many organizations considered sustainability issues outside the wheelhouse of business. Fortunately, more and more businesses are now realizing that sustainable practices are good for more than just the environment - they can also help companies improve their bottom line and outperform their competitors. Hence, let’s explore ways by which co-working spaces are contributing to sustainable development.

Scaling Down Commute & Carbon Emissions

A significant environmental impact of urbanization is increased commuting and transportation. Co-working spaces reduce this impact by making available convenient, accessible, and sustainable workspaces that are located near accessible transportation facilities. By offering flexible work arrangements, co-working spaces can also help reduce the need for long commutes, which can save time, and money, and reduce carbon emissions. Co-working spaces have also implemented green initiatives such as using renewable energy sources, reducing waste, and promoting sustainable practices among members. This can help reduce the carbon footprint of the workspace and contribute to great sustainability.

Promotes Circular Economy principles

Co-working spaces are built on the foundation of sharing resources that influences sustainability positively. Co-working spaces enable shared office equipment such as printers, scanners, and conference rooms, which can reduce the need for individual businesses to purchase and maintain their own equipment. Co-working spaces also reduce waste, promote circular economy principles and facilitate collaboration and knowledge-sharing, leading to innovation and development of sustainable solutions to urban challenges. The efficient use of office supplies and amenities helps minimize waste generation. All this fosters a culture of sustainability among the co-working community.

Intelligent use of Technology

Flex spaces are opting for intelligent LED technology which uses much less power and has a fairly longer lifetime. Shared workspaces optimize energy usage by changing the lighting & ventilation design to reduce energy consumption per unit. With the use of advanced building design software, co-working spaces are leveraging the opportunity for smart, data-driven decisions within every element of design and construction. The way technology is used determines the ways in which sustainability can be built and endured over a long time. Technology also ensures minimal cost at which green practices can be designed.

Good use of Natural Light & Design

Shared spaces make use of the ever-abundant resource, sunlight, and implement sustainable office solutions, green ceiling-to-floor windows, and plenty of glass to let optimum amount of natural light into a space. This means they rely less on using power to artificially light a space, reducing the carbon footprint of both themselves and their occupants. They also apply sustainable office design, both from an aesthetic and environmental perspective, using shiny surfaces, light-colored reflective flooring, and light and bright interiors throughout. Studies have found that natural light makes happier, healthier, and more energized employees.

Fortunately, more and more businesses are now realizing that sustainable practices are good for more than just the environment - they can also help companies improve their bottom line and outperform their competitors.

Committed to Audits & Certifications

Co-working providers take their sustainability practices one step further, committing to globally recognized certifications and audits to support their impact goals. Health and Safety related certifications are present in the co-working and flexible workspace industry. They all do their bit in communicating to co-working communities that they are working from a space that meets the highest global standards of social and environmental performance well as health and safety standards.

Overall, sustainable business practices are vital not only on a micro level for individual organizations but also on a macro level affecting society as a whole. The responsibility is ours to push for positive change as we build flex spaces that hold a huge potential towards an environmentally conscious workspace. Sustainability is no longer an option, but a necessity and businesses have a unique opportunity to make a significant impact by adopting sustainable practices that contribute to a greener future.