Taking On The Challenges In The New Information Age Era: Meeting Local Inspiration Needs

Smart 2nd 3 rd level Cities is empowerment to environment based initiative. Major Welfare of the Rural Society utilizing the latest technology for their day to day environment primarily aimed to harness the major benefits of digital economy using basic affordable and available information technology for the rural folks. The initiative is a major relevant community effort to digitalize through mobility. Using the major current collective strengths of our learned educated people from various streams interested in development of our upcoming country to integrate it with the best information technology to provide benefits to the rural community living in 2nd level 3rd level cities.
Inspired by the Research philosophy and thoughts happening around 2nd 3rd level cities, the Smart Projects was conceived to provide 'Global Aspiration Mean's to the Local inspiration Needs'. Such major unique Project aims to build a mass digital development movement driven by communities by empowering those areas with knowledge and skills to take on the challenges in the new information age era.
S - Simple Technology; Social Skilled status:- Nil understanding on the Simple living with smart thinking, where everyone lives in that 2nd 3rd
level cities, where they get all the amenities and work life balance with stress less life.
M - Multiple options Maximum Motivated to live in. Free education to all over there to ensure high literacy for their survival, which adds more modern values using common goals towards RISE.
A. All in one acceptance:- adopt and act to the fast changing latest technology environments. Free education , medical and health with financial advisory on rural social and country.
R- Reality Rise & Respect:- Rise being human, cooperative approach on social views, responsive to collective wisdom. Realize the release of Self respect and self sustenance.
T- Teaching transparency togetherness. IOT mobility on multilingual, cheaper devices and alternate energy simple to use. Tech wow factor Customer is God. Delivery services.

In Smart 2nd 3rd level cities access to sustainable energy services acts as a catalyst for multiple development enabling the provision of desired education and need healthcare, Protected access to clean water, localized sanitation and effective nutrition, the rural growth of productive enterprises to boost major incomes, and enhanced localize solution security, gender equality and democratic engagement.
Unfortunately it is a fact that, in the 2nd 3rd level today, major crowd remains without access to electricity. In addition, major numbers of people are still cooking on dangerous and inefficient stoves. Many of them live in remote rural village communities.
Until such communities have access to modern technology energy services, an appropriate alignment to their lives with planed progress can be made to develop the economies and improve the rural lives.
M - Multiple options Maximum Motivated to live in. Free education to all over there to ensure high literacy for their survival, which adds more modern values using common goals towards RISE.
A. All in one acceptance:- adopt and act to the fast changing latest technology environments. Free education , medical and health with financial advisory on rural social and country.
R- Reality Rise & Respect:- Rise being human, cooperative approach on social views, responsive to collective wisdom. Realize the release of Self respect and self sustenance.
T- Teaching transparency togetherness. IOT mobility on multilingual, cheaper devices and alternate energy simple to use. Tech wow factor Customer is God. Delivery services.

In Smart 2nd 3rd level cities access to sustainable energy services acts as a catalyst for multiple development enabling the provision of desired education and need healthcare, Protected access to clean water, localized sanitation and effective nutrition, the rural growth of productive enterprises to boost major incomes, and enhanced localize solution security, gender equality and democratic engagement.
Unfortunately it is a fact that, in the 2nd 3rd level today, major crowd remains without access to electricity
Unfortunately it is a fact that, in the 2nd 3rd level today, major crowd remains without access to electricity. In addition, major numbers of people are still cooking on dangerous and inefficient stoves. Many of them live in remote rural village communities.
Until such communities have access to modern technology energy services, an appropriate alignment to their lives with planed progress can be made to develop the economies and improve the rural lives.