• Pixel Weavers: Weaving the Web!
  • Cover Story

    Pixel Weavers: Weaving the Web!

    Pixel Weavers, a well established web design company was established with the aim to change the way how web service industry claims and delivers. In the present era, every business needs a strong internet presence and developing a quality website design that has an impressive user interface will result in a much better conversion rate, leading to better business and revenue.


The Growth of Chennai as a Start-up Hub

Nandini Mukherjee, Managing Editor

The Evolution of Manufacturing Processes

Edward Rodden, CIO, Sugar Creek

Advertising in the Entertainment Industry

Sabia Gulati, Sales & Marketing Head, Madame Tussauds, Merlin Entertainments

5 Things You Should Know Before Working in A Startup

Nidhi Batra, Co-Founder & Director, Nirvana Excursions

Disruption is Thesis: Distribution is currency

Gaurav Marya, Chairman, Franchise India

The Arts, the Economy and the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Jeffrey Sharkey, Principal, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland

How to Start your Digital Transformation – A Point of View

Biplab Roy, AVP Head- Agile Practice, Altimetrik

Getting to the Next Level

Craig Pinegar, Director Enterprise Application Architecture, Ultradent Products

Social Media Changing Trends of the Indian Entertainment & Events Industry

Social Media Changing Trends of the Indian Entertainment & Events Industry