Data Privacy Day 2025: Hurry & Protect Your Data Now!

As per the report by the think tank DSCI – Data Security Council of India, India detects an average of 761 data and cyber-attacks per minute. Healthcare, hospitality, and banking industries are the top 3 target sectors. A shocking discovery reveals that somewhere around 12 terabytes of stolen PII (personally identifiable information) and credentials including 26 billion records were taken from the world’s major social media platforms and online influencers.
From pulling your personal preferences through social media platforms to recording sensitive medical reports and details, data utilization in this digital world has never been greater. In this digital age, every move, click, and watch is accurately logged and tracked which makes protecting data and ensuring data privacy essential for businesses and individuals alike.
Data Privacy Day: History and Significance
Aimed to create awareness of the risks and challenges in data privacy and protection, Data Protection Day is celebrated annually on January 28th across the world. The day marks a momentous opening to pass a spotlight on the supreme significance of safeguarding our data from daunting.
The resolution to celebrate Data Privacy Day came about by a decision of the European Council that was concluded in April 2006 in an official gathering known as “Convention 108”. Data Privacy day was first celebrated in Europe in 2007. At first, the day was celebrated only in Europe, but after gaining enormous traction; the event has extended to diverse countries.