
How Augmented Reality Will Become a Lynchpin of Future Advertising

Augmented reality is used to magnify natural environments or situations by its ability to deliver contextual information.AR can be defined as a combination of real and virtual worlds,3D virtual and real objects.AR integrates all the necessary information into brief extract which can be easily processed and understand by all the viewers. Augmented reality summarize large content of information into small portion of visually understanding for examples by pointing of your Smartphone to a nearby restaurant and getting updates regarding ratings, feedbacks, menu, etc is one way in which AR can be used.
Communication is more diverse than ever, whether it’s personal discussion with friends, family and colleagues is one of the mainstream integrated of the internet in the early 1990s brought new and exciting communication methods, including digital media channels that allow users to share messages more faster and across greater distances.

In present scenario Billboards have become pass'e. Radio has evolved into podcasts. Video streaming has taken over television. If you look at the world through the view of an 80-year old advertiser, is totally different platform. Where the world of advertising is not what it used to be a few decades ago.
What is the power of moment behind this radical change in advertising? Like it may be digital technologies, different software and Mobile apps. Cognitive computing. Immersive realities. A combination of all these technologies and many others have contributed to the evolution of advertising.

Augmented Reality is one of the new technologies that will affect the future social media trends. Check out the latest social media apps developments and enhancements done on the existing ones. It is clear that AR will play a role in shaping the future social media trends. Augmented Reality experiences can be felt and witnessed by users of Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram and also Tinder among several other platforms.

Instagram was launched in 2010. Almost a decade later, today, it has close to 1 Billion monthly active users. If you are not active on Instagram you are missing out to connect with the world at large and their infinite newsfeed of filtered and “no-filter” images. Like Instagram, other apps like YouTube, Snapchat, Pinterest, etc. have also turned everyday phone users into ravenous media consumers and producers.

Ordinary video advertisements, no matter how good, can bore the viewers when they see too much of it. But as AR platforms require customer interaction as well, the audience tends to engage more with it. So, in a nutshell, it can be said that Augmented Reality (AR) is equipped with all features needed to dominate the future of advertising.

However, we can state that AR is still a fairly speculative field as most of the projects are still at the kickoff stage. Google Glass tried to change your world but failed after the initial trials. We have seen technology companies like Microsoft and Apple invest heavily in AR developments. Even this approach to augmented reality has been utilised by many companies like Starbucks and Guinness as a way of promoting their brands while advertising in imaginative ways. Different industry players are tapping into the potential vested in AR. Thus, we can speculate that AR will become integrated with the platforms, on which we consume the content.

Emotional Connections

Augmented reality forms part of the mixed reality, a suite of technologies that bridge the gap between physical and digital worlds. It gives users an immersive experience that gives them digital experiences in a real-world physical environment. This experiences makes them pay close attention and stay hooked to the advertisement .The success of an advertisement can be measured in some of these ways like first action to be created the target in audience, and manages them to receive the snippets from viewers. Then finally make them to realize the emotion of idea on things to be purchase. When all these ways are achieved by one technology, then it defintely deserve to be called the lynchpin of future advertising.

An example of this comes in the form of the Google Lens app, which is already available on Android devices. The app allows customers to scan QR codes and items through their cameras. Google Lens’s Style Match function aids users in finding products online to those that they’re viewing in physical stores offering an invaluable bridge between offline and online retail.

The Future of Augmented Reality in Marketing

As the next generation of augmented reality glasses enter the market and drive more widespread adoption, we will see more intricate AR marketing campaigns that can be delivered instantly in the view of users while they’re shopping and interacting with the world around us. Advertising is also set to be heavily influenced by augmented reality. One key example of this could be found in the innovative ways in how Stranger Things reached.

Augmented reality will changed both offline and online shopping in a post-COVID-19 landscape where customers look for engaging experiences both while browsing on the internet and getting stores.

The social media marketing professionals are knee to understand how new technologies will influence the present social media trends. By consider that it is critical for the organizations to take advantage of the new trends while targeting prospects. Basically, we have seen new social media trends coming up, powered by the technological advancements. Well, the fact is that social media came about as a result of technology. Therefore, as technology evolves things are getting change.