
In-Depth Digitization Comes To Rescue In The COVID-19 Outbreak

Team Startup CityWe are presently in a Digital Age where information whose residence was restricted to only neurons and impressed-surfaces, is now being encoded into almost anything and everything. The best example is storage of information in cassettes and hard disks (which have made the former almost obsolete:). But we did not stop here. We have reached it's a mobile world out there.

And this is one of the greatest achievement of ours so far. Considering everything that is happening around us i.e., lockdown, pandemic and worldwide disturbances. The information storage be it on COVID cases, resources details, equipment details, front line warriors count are being able to accurately store with the digitization and technologically advanced databases. All this information are absolute necessity now. Apart from this as per observed pattern of business surveys the scenario favours most digital businesses, though not all, and it also favours some physical or atom businesses, including e-commerce or even hand sanitisers. Given this, a simplistic digital vs physical or bits vs atoms framework isn’t a good lens to view Covid-19’s impact. All businesses hit by Covid-19 have one factor in common: they bring people together in near proximity — such as travel hubs or airports, gyms, offline educational classes etc. Even if you are a purely digital firm, say online travel ticketing or a rideshare service, your customer will consume the
service you are selling in proximity to another customer. And if there is hesitation to consume the product or service, then your sales take a hit too. Uber and Ola have seen rides drop over a third since the crisis.

You adapt to technology you will rule the world and nothing can push you down. I think that’s what is suiting the current business scenario. Anything like client product delivery or even work from home is not being a difficult task to those companies which have adapted to technology and cloud based systems earlier unlike nontech brands or small businesses.

In our quest to devour the knowledge and possibilities that the universe has to offer, we have tried to mimic our creation. Yes that's true. are transcending from this age to another; to that of Artificial Intelligence. After becoming potent to store information, we are trying to generate and manipulate it automatically. Several breakthrough innovations have been made, ranging from the elementary perceptron. to the most recent algorithm to recognise objects a computer without human-intervention. That's in the realm of software. But hard-ware is nowhere behind. From the abacus, to the vacuum tubes, to finally the minute integrations on chips; we have reached an age where a robotic fly can be set on an espionage mission. Robotic pets are already in the market, prosthetic machines are already in use, and humanoids are in the making. Man has attempted to link the brain to machines and succeeded. All this is the result of our attempt to reshape nature, fuelled by our never dying curious-thirst.

We will soon be living with a new species and advanced tech environment. That of artificially intelligent beings who can out do us. What we lack being humans, they will possess. But will this new population grow intelligent enough to defy their creators. Would the fruit from the tree of knowledge, be plucked again? Why not? If man could disobey God, what would prevent these new beings from disobeying us?

Come what may. and we will find the solution to it. That's what defines us. Nature has always been on our side, even with the pandemic there is several thing we as humans are being able to learn, to use time productively, come up with innovations to drive businesses and be successful. We just need to understand it better. Or we live in a soft-world. A place which emanates information relative to our perception.