
International Yoga Day: Unwind the Art of Soulful Living with the Soulful Startups


Technology is improving, everything is gradually coming into our hands, and the world is moving at light’s speed, people are running from pillar to post to survive in such a competitive corporate world. They are constantly running after the projects and deadlines, but amidst all this, they are denying their healthy body and mind, which are getting sandwiched between personal and professional life.

Body and mind have a direct connection to the brain, if anyone is feeling under the weather, the performance will suffer terribly. Staying healthy is not a cakewalk if you gather the habits of being irregular. To strike a string of balance between your body and mind, you should give some quality time to your body so that it can heal properly from within.

Yoga is not about just a few poses, but it is a profound journey to explore your inner potential, a science which integrates body, mind and soul that celebrate the bliss of uniqueness.

Surviving for the livelihoods are not someone should ask for, instead living the life to the fullest is something that everyone desires. India is the profound storehouse of resources related to the ancient secrets of staying fit and healthy. The oldest book of this world ‘Veda’ contains well defined theories and methods about the elements of health and wellness and it has introduced us with different terms like, Ayurveda, Yoga and Pranayama. All these elements are skillfully effective to keep our body healthy and disease free. One of such practice is ‘Yoga’.

“Yoga is the practice of quieting the mind.” – Patanjali, originator of Yoga The Journey of Yoga