
International Yoga Day: Unwind the Art of Soulful Living with the Soulful Startups


Yoga is believed to procure its existence with the dawn of civilization. It has its root attached to the ancient book of this world called Rig Veda which was believed to be written 5000 years ago by Aryans. The word Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word, ‘Yuj’ which means to unite or join. Yoga is a beautiful art which has transformed and redefined itself throughout the centuries and successfully withstands the test of time. Out of total 108 ancient documents, 20 were Yoga Upanishads. Yoga is the perfect marriage of art and science whose center of attention always stays on finding a concordance between the mind and body.

According to the yogic scriptures, Yoga is the embodiment of self-realization, which leads to attain the state of freedom or ‘Mukti’, which further leads to ‘Liberation’ or ‘Moksha’. The person who is believed to have developed a union between the nature and oneself is said to have attained ‘Moksha’.

From ancient to modern Yoga has seen a paradigm shift and structured it with stronger impact on human wellness. From Adi Sankaracharya to Swami Vivekananda, Yoga has been the only path to achieve health mind and disease free body.

In this social media driven modern world, Yoga is primarily associated with different poses and postures called ‘Asanas’ which aids in physical fitness and flexibility of body. Not only it helps you be physically sound, but gradually tones down the agitation and stress that comes with the corporate driven fast-paced lives of this decade.

“Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured.” – Yogacharya B.K.S. Iyengar

Today is the day of remembering that elixir of civilization, and a proud moment for every Indians that, the ancient practice which was brought into being by the Indian Sages and Yogis is now attained international acclamation as the epitome of mental and spiritual well-being.

Today, the effectiveness of Yoga has expanded and the people of every corner of this vast dynamic world has accepted the magical charms of Yoga and astounded by its impact on human health and wellness.

During the 69th General Assembly meeting of UN, Indian Government headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi first proposed to dedicate a day to remember the oldest practice of health and wellness, Yoga. The proposal was endorsed by a record 175 member states. Acknowledging the widespread appeal and acceptance of Yoga, 11 December 2014 was proclaimed as International Yoga day. Like every year, The International Yoga Day 2024 has affixed a theme called ‘Yoga for self and Society’. With this special declaration, the ancient practice has rightfully added a golden feather in the hat of success of India.

“Through Yoga, we know the selfless action, we decide the journey from Karma to Karmayoga”, -Narendra Modi

Yoga Day Flaunting Flexibility in Entrepreneurial Journey

This recent decade has seen so much inclination towards fitness and yoga is one of the trusted medium of being healthy and fit. Joining this fitness industry holding the hand of yoga has proved to be most profitable for any startup to start their entrepreneurial journey. So, without wasting any more time, you can try your luck in this industry, if you have deep passion and knowledge about yoga and passionate about to share the transformative benefits with others, this is the right path you can follow.

Our prime minister is boosting the spirit of the startups to innovate and redefine the world of yoga. Let’s talk about few of them who have redefined the industry with technology.

Sarva Yoga Studio

A Mumbai based fitness platform founded by Sarvesh Sashi. From his childhood, yoga has played a pivotal role in the life of Sarvesh and turned him to a yoga Entrepreneur. Till now, he has established 100+ yoga studios in India and abroad and achieved recognition in Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia, Fortune 40 Under 40 India and Business World's 40 Under 40 India.
The company has attached few trainers specialized in various forms of yoga along with the artistically designed studios for conducting yoga classes. This company claims to offer 25 different forms of Yoga such as dance yoga, aqua yoga, and so on.

The company has roped Malaika Arora to introduce a new segment called Diva Yoga, to encourage women. The company has collected total $12.3 million of funding till date and valued $14.1million.