
Is Fitness Industry giving rise to more innovation & Startups?

Human body is like an idol which needs to be worshipped and taken care of in order to live a better life. Amidst the deadly situation of frequent climatic change, increasing level of pollution, people are tending to suffer from deadly diseases and health problems. After the advent of science and technology, everything can be done sitting in a chair comfortably for which people used to run from place to place earlier.

So, in this situation, the significance of doing physical activity and maintaining a good health care regime is very important to keep our body fit and healthy. Physical activity offers good health, and helps in staying active and lively throughout all stages of life regardless of body type or BMI.

Staying fit and healthy improve the quality of life you live transforming you in to the better version of yourself

Why fitness is trending in today’s context?
Today’s youth is living a hot and happening life which is depending solely on social media, where they have to look perfect with perfect body, perfect hair and perfect skin. But, to achieve a perfect skin and shape, your body needs to be healthy and disease free. If you are not healthy from inside your outer version will reflect it. To be the icon of the social media a well-structured body is mandatory so these days fitness coaching, fitness training, weight training are the trending topics anyone comes across.

While a section of population is busy in keeping their perfect shape, other section of the society is being sandwiched in between projects and deadlines to be in the rat-race, having no time to lend for their own health benefits.

Obesity is a chronic problem which can lead to many diseases like PCOS, PCOD, Hyperthyroidism, high pressure, Diabetes and heart diseases. The latter section is being hit by this frequently in lack of a balanced lifestyle and food habits. In this era of technology people are being lethargic, so enthusiastic campaigns and slogans are needed to energize these people. Customizing fitness routine, food habits, and exercise schedule can help people to overcome the lethargy and stand up for their health.

Starting a fitness business is a heavy-weight lift which needs proper line of guidance and perseverance to grow

Why fitness related business is booming?
Throughout the years exercise and the methods of doing exercise have witnessed a paradigm shift after meeting the technology. Earlier we used to do yoga, meditations, few free hand exercises but now there are a lot more options like weight training, powerlifting, kickboxing, cardio, Zumba, Pilates and so on.

The old and conventional gymkhanas have transformed into highly modernized well equipped gymnasiums and fitness clubs where you get all the information and guidance as per your requirements. These gyms have well trained and highly experienced professionals who will show the right methods of doing exercises for better health and perfectly shaped body. There are numerous fitness brands in the market like Crunch Fitness, Cultfit, VLCC, Shapes, and so on which are earning a lucrative profit by making people sweat hard.

Possible reasons of such skyrocketing graph of sale are:
• Lowering health-insurance cost.
• Improvement of overall health.
• Budget friendly and personalized training.
• Reduces the health-risk.
• Offers active lifestyle.
• Demand for fat-free well-shaped body.

How to get into fitness business and reach to the crux of the business industry?
If you are a fitness enthusiast and love to make the life of the people healthy and happy this is the right choice of business for you. But further proceeding to a business a few things are needed to be taken care of,
1. What kind of fitness products or services you want to offer
2. You also need to get trained well in this field to train others
3. You should own certificates from institutions accredited by National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), American Council on Exercise, or National Academy of Sports Medicine. Besides education you also need to research and learn about the new and upgraded techniques regarding fitness and healthcare
4. Having well-experienced and expert dietitian and fitness trainers is very important
5. You should have an Employer Identification Number which will help to file taxes, avoid tax penalties, open business account and get loans or funding for business
6. A well-designed market plan is very important to stay afloat in this cut-throat competition
7. Building an attractive and modern fitness studios having all the top-rated equipment

Fitness Technology for Booming your Business
After the major strike of pandemic, people were imprisoned behind the four walls of their home. Keeping this in mind all the sectors have transformed their business in the online platforms using the scientific excellence as the brightest boon for business. Pandemic has given birth of the home gyms where people are buying gym equipment of their choice and doing the exercise at home and taking online consultations of their favorite fitness experts. In 2020, the worldwide home fitness equipment market was worth $10.18 billion. As the days are passing the demand of online fitness consultation is increasing because to cope up with such competitive urban life people don’t get much time to visit gyms or fitness clubs.

In addition, wearable fitness bands and watches are very popular these days because they help us to keep track of our health and also aware us about any health-risk. There are numerous applications which are focusing on the balanced meal, keep track of the calorie count. They also keep track of personal wellness by tracking sleep cycle, blood pressure, heart rate and also notify about food and water consumption at the designated and prescribed time. Now, maximum fitness brands have prepared their applications where they take online classes which can be availed from any corner of the earth against a monthly or yearly subscription.

"Fitness and gym technology is assisting in reshaping the fitness culture of the globe"

From a survey it was unearthed that, 58 million active users registered via numerous health apps in 2020. On the other hand, another data of WHO revealed that, 1 in every 4 adults do not reach up to the recommended level of physical activity. The total revenue of digital fitness and well-being segment has reached $3919 million by 2022. The Health & Fitness market in India is projected to reach $21.35 million in 2022 with a positive and upgrowing CAGR of 9.39 percent. The home fitness market grew from Rs.329 crores to Rs.570 crores as per the data of FY21. Further, the Indian wearable fitness equipment market has grown approximately 170 percent during the Q1 of 2021.

To conclude, growing up a business surely needs a great deal of expertise and knowledge about the field you are taking your footsteps towards. But, you can achieve a good return on investment (ROI) using important tools of marketing and promotion. Digital age has unveiled a new door of doing business and as a result the young entrepreneurs have reached to the front row with their new and unique innovative ideas based on fitness centers, AI based apps, trendy wearables, and productive equipment and so on. In person and Digital fitness has proved its significance over this contemporary unfit and unhealthy youth who needs a little push to sweat their stress out and shine bright.