
Leverage the Potential of Artificial Intelligence to Fuel-up your Curiosity of Learning


According to the founder of UpGrad, Mayank Kumar, “AI is a significant investment, not only for teaching and learning but also for pedagogy, sales, and driving conversions. We will also leverage AI in various other initiatives at Upgrad. We are also trying to bring AI into our approach for mock interviews.”

Bengaluru based startup Jungroo Learning, which was started by a tech for India alum and an ex Amazon employee Sethuraman T.A. and Cibe Hariharan to assist the educators to identify the learner at an atomic level and follow the progress of their students. This is a B2B SaaS based edtech platform which has developed an AI-powered adaptive engine. It serves as the GPS of the educators, which can identify the learner precisely and designs the shortest learning path to mastery for them. This platform helps various educational organizations to craft adaptive content or convert their existing educational content to more adaptive and interactive.

Chennai based NGO Bhumi has collaborated with Jungroo and utilized their AI based app in schools, orphanages, shelter homes, and in some slum areas to assess the progress of the students.

TagHive Inc. is a Kolkata based startup which was established in 2017 by Pankaj Agarwal. The company has developed an application called ‘Class Sathi’ which is an AI powered self-assessment application. It is an award winning clicker solution designed for smart phones. It is affordable and doesn’t need internet, electricity or projector to be used.

Currently ‘Class Sathi’ is being used in more than 400 schools in India and South Korea. Nearly over, 50,000 students have used this AI powered homely learning solution. They have received funding from tech giant Samsung in 2020 and with that the valuation of the company escalated to $10 million.

Learning Matters by Gowri Mahesh and Saraswathi R., is an edtech startup, which has developed AI based applications to solve poor quality of education due to shortage of qualified educators and instructors. The startup provides comprehensive, scalable, and sustainable solutions to solve this problem. They have created tool-box for students which contains kits for activities in Math, Science, English, and Social Studies.

Their application KenGine is a cloud-based, digital content platform that contains curated videos of topics aligned to multiple Indian syllabi, for grades 1 to 10, in Math, Science, English, and Social Studies. It also have quizzes and available both in audio and video format.

Tara is an AI based app which is using NLP-powered virtual voice teacher that is currently teaching Communicative English to both adults and children across the country.

Last Note

Undoubtedly, the inclusion of AI in education sector evidently helps in cultivating intellectual sophistication through personalized learning where each student is being taken care through virtual assistants. In the days to come, more innovation will arrive in the industry and elevate the quality of learning to an unattainable height. AI will evolve more and it will contribute towards making more dynamic and educational landscape with empowering learners and educators by enriching the learning experiences.

Deep down if we think attentively, we will realize that human intelligence can never be replaced, in fact, artificial intelligence can only assist human for enhancing their work. How much ever strong the efficiency of artificial intelligence is, the guidance of teacher is vitally important for a student to become successful. So, take help of advanced technologies rather than being easy prey and puppets, if not you will lose your intelligence in no time and that is not advisable.