
Reduce, Reuse & Recycle: To Unravel Threats in Sustainable Traveling

To lead a disciplined life, it is very important to have a proper routine otherwise our life would stick in the tad bit laziness. But after all, we are humans and our heart, mind and soul want to break the barrier of such hectic schedules. So, after a long tiring work in office we need a few moments of relaxation and pleasure so that we can fuel up our energy and boost our efficiency to work, just like a device which needs charging to work, travelling recharges our mind and body to work with more efficiency. We all want to feel calm and cozy, feel relaxed, make memories to cherish and want to be treated special in life for at least a few days. Travelling gives us that opportunity through which we can reach to the gateway of luxury, ladened with serene touch of nature packed in a cozy and comfortable stay.

Professional and personal life has their own segmented places in our life, as long as we keep them at their dedicated places, the wheel of life will go smooth and sweet. Whenever it is messed up, the smoothness of life will vanish in no time. But, you know, human body needs a break from this so-called urban rat race of being perfect. Sometimes, a messy life, good food, loving companions, a long unending walk can help you to quench the thirst of mind and soul which need a moment to rejuvenate and relax. Travelling is that elixir that has all qualities. It helps to improve our psychological health, to learn new things, to try new cuisines, to know ourselves better, to enrich our knowledge and also educates about ethnic elements, and finally it gives unforgettable memories.

Travel and Tourism is solely based on nature and natural resources. We travel to explore new facets of nature, to behold the turquoise sea, springy blossoms, blue lagoons or steeply positioned valleys, green mountains, icy cold doons, green orchards or gardens. But unknowingly, we are depleting the natural rhythm of environment by polluting and dumping waste material and exploiting the freshness of blossom and brightness of lagoons. We need to understand that if you nurture nature, it will bestow its unending love to us. Here the concept of sustainable tourism crept in which has its strings attached to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals 2000.

What is sustainable tourism?

According to the definition of The United Nations World Tourism Organization, “Tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and host communities."Such environment friendly tourism includes staying in the lap of nature in an eco-friendly stay, having locally sourced food and uplifting all the activities that are environment friendly.

Sustainable tourism is more beneficial especially when it comes to environment, the economy and communities. Sustainability leads us to a balanced ecosystem and pollution free nature, where all the resources and creatures of almighty can co-exist amicably. With each passing day, our world is changing, all the layers of earth are changing, and as its inevitable result the climate is also changing which is depleting the nature and changing all the functions of it. So, to overcome such deadly situation, sustainable tourism is the only remedy.

Significance of Sustainable Tourism:

It protects the environment, local flora and fauna.
Unveils socio-economic benefits for the local communities by improving the economic condition of the people who lives at the tourist destinations.
Helps to preserve the cultural heritage and retain the essence of local culture, traditions, rituals and authentic cuisines.
It reduces the over consumption of natural resources, and protects the environment from the disastrous effects of greenhouse emission in which tourism industry is contributing 8 percent in global scenario and also diminished the level of deforestation and exploitation of natural species.
Coaxingly improves the mutual bonding between the tourist and local community without harming the nature by the poisonous effects of tourism.
It provides exclusive, unfiltered, and easily achievable tourist opportunities of exploring earth without harming the nature and eco-system.
Sustainable tourism gives us opportunity to safeguard and love environment and Mother Earth for the future generations so that they can enjoy as much as we are doing right now.
It creates jobs for the local youth who are jobless due to lack of industry.
Leads to rural and landscape development which in turn leads to tourism diversification in a cost-effective way.
It improves water quality of the place and increases funding for preserving nature through nature parks, protected areas and eco-tourism complexes which is protecting ecological biodiversity.

Government Interference in Sustainable Tourism: Keeping in mind the recent demands and necessity, Government of India has taken a few steps and tactics aiming to focus sustainability in Indian Tourism sector for resilient, efficient and carbon-neutral tourism which is securing the nature and natural resources. In this mission, the stakeholders are Central Ministries, State Governments, Local Government institutions, Industry, Non-government organizations, and Local community. Government is emphasizing on using the eco-friendly mode of travel through electric buses, bio toilets in railways, electric vehicles, to uplift the concept of eco-tourism.

Final words

As the technology is running at a good pace which sometimes seem to surpass the whole world but leaving behind a few traces of negative elements in nature which should be managed with skillful hands. So, Tourism industry needs to develop new elements and methods that is beneficial for tourists, local communities, and the planet, all at the same time. While the concept of sustainable and eco-friendly tourism is puffing up but no desirable changes was seen so far. Therefore, it is undoubtedly true that sustainable tourism demands a good investment but many things are being done in the name of sustainability is only promoting the profit to fill the pockets of big fat businessmen.A large-scale international survey by TNS Global (2007) shows that only six percent of tourists pay more for sustainable tourism. We need to think deeply from anthropocentric and ecological viewpoint for reshaping and redefining the tourism industry towards a better future.