
Nation is Restructuring the Topography of the Society by Switching to the Green Energy

Changing features of climate, and increasing pollution is hitting the headlines every day. Thus quote by CARL SAGAN, “Preserve and Cherish the Pale Blue dot, the only home we’ve ever known”, motivates and encourages all of us to think diligently about our “Mother Earth”, as it is high time for the mankind to understand that how they are exploiting the resources in disguise of exploring and contaminating the environment. Our planet is the storehouse of resources which is constantly being consumed at a speeding pace. Humans are the cleverest creature on Earth, harnessing the resources for procuring good outcomes from the resources but in return generating toxins, fumes, and pollutants in nature. Conventional energy sources like woods, liquid fuels, coal, and natural gas all are being extracted and levelling up the pollution level and increasing the amount of carbon footprints.

Shift to the Green Energy, So that the Earth can Grin for a Bit

In a corporate driven urban life, for fueling up the profit, the business tycoons are destroying the serene touch of nature. Thus, lush greeneries are replacing with concrete skyscrapers with lion’s share of population, by transmigrating from villages to towns to feed their famishing hunger. This vague scenery of population explosion needs to shift towards environment friendly otherwise the whole empire of urban society will have to face a sudden downfall.

What is Green Energy?

Green energy is the source of energy which is extracted from those natural resources which are abundant in nature and can be replenished from time to time. That is the reason green energy is also called renewable energy. It is constant, natural, sustainable and non-toxic which doesn’t harm the Mother Nature. Such energy resources can be used multiple ways effectively and can be available in every corner of the earth. Few recognized and widely used green energy sources are solar energy, wind energy, hydro power, biomass, tide and so on. Among all the sources solar, wind, and hydro power are extensively being used and collecting lucrative profits.

Solar Energy: Sun is the source of all in this big universe. It reflects millions of quanta of energy through nuclear fusion of hydrogen nuclei and converts it into helium, which is a potential source of high-power energy. It reaches the surface of earth by radiation. India receives annual sunshine of 2600 to 3200 hours. 3-5 peak hours of daily sunlight in a day can reflect nearly, 500 W/m² of sunlight. That is equal to 0.5 peak sun hours. Such wide flow of energy is used to produce electricity by using photo-voltaic cells which create electric current through photo electric effect. The global solar power market is projected to grow from $234.86 billion in 2022 to $373.84 billion by 2029, with CAGR of 6.9 percent in 2022-2029.

Wind power: Wind energy has a great potential of producing a large amount of energy by using three bladed turbines. As the motion of wind turns the blades of turbine, it turns an internal rotor.Then it moves the main shaft, which spins a generator and creates electricity. The produced energy from wind is amounted as 40.36 GW in FY 2022, which is expected to reach 52.48 GW by FY 2027. In the global scenario, the potential demand of wind energy stood at $73.78 billion in 2021 which reached$80.42 billion in 2022 and further will grow $60.24 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 9 percent.

Hydroelectric Power: Harnessing the power of flowing water hydroelectric energy is produced. For this to happen water is stored in a reservoir or dam and periodically release the water and then using such pressure revolves the turbine which activates the generator and create electricity. Such a plant can generate electricity amounting 100 kilowatts and 10 MW can end up to producing 30MW.

Significance of Switching to Green Energy

Green energy is the utmost necessity of this hour which can bring the sustainability and resilience in the lifecycle of human being. For so long, we have depended on conventional sources of energy as it is easy and doesn’t need extra cost to convert them, but they are taking us to the dead end of mankind by hitting hard the ecosystem and causing the notorious phenomena global warming. By embracing green energy, you are bringing the sustainable future near to you.

Green energy eliminates the ill-effects of fossil fuels and rejuvenate the earth. When the complete life cycle of a green energysource is taken into consideration, they release far lessgreenhouse gases than fossil fuels. On the other hand, it doesn’t release toxic fumes which can cause green house effect and reduces carbon footprints. A neutral greenhouse emission energy source, like biomass can produce some greenhouse emissions when it is used.But suchemissions are balanced out when the biomass absorbs carbon dioxide during the growing process. The installation of green power plants can generate a pool of employments for the youth which will contribute to widen up the GDP growth of the country besides cleaning the environment.About $5.9 trillion was spent on subsidizing the fossil fuel industry and on the other hand, about $4 trillion a year needs to be invested in renewable energy until 2030.

Fact Files: According to the data of WHO 4.2 million deaths around the world annually are caused by household and ambient air pollution.

According to Environmental Protection Act, inclining towards Green Energy offers highest environmental benefits. The global demand of green energy sources was valued $881.7 billion in 2020, which will grow at a potential speed and reach to $1,977.6 billion by 2030. Though the initial cost of installation of such non-conventional energy is higher than that of non-renewable energy but, a little moment of thought and little step of benevolence can change the future of the society. Once installed, reliable renewable technologies can create a system less prone to market shocks and ensure energy security by diversifying power supply options.