
Startups Rethinking the Present & Reinventing the Future of Supply Chain


Food & Beverage

The primary innovative supply chain practice executing by startups is performing end-to-end visibility solutions that permits the shareholders to track the food products from production area to delivery. Rather than providing transparency into the entire supply chain, it ensures the food quality and safety. This real-time tracking enables people to spot and underscore the issues promptly at ground level and make the food products remain fresh and ready for consumption.

Also they utilize the use-cases of on-demand transportation services to move the products resourcefully. It reduces the cost for transportation and streamlines the delivery times efficiently. During the process of sorting, packaging, and inventory management, startups employs automation of warehousing operations to reduce the human error and speed-up the process for better inventory management and on-time achievement of orders.

“In the past, supply chains met enterprise and customer needs through a beginning-to-end model that was largely unaffected by change. Today's supply chain is broad, deep, and continually evolving, which means that it must be agile to be effective”. - Hirak Kayal, Vice President - Cloud Applications, Oracle