
Startups: The Green Influencers Spearheading Sustainable Practices to Promote 'Sustainability'


Environmental Impact Reporting

Amid the operational tasks, measuring the social & environmental impacts re quite difficult for companies yet vital charge. Hence to cater to the demands regarding the assessment of social & environmental impacts, startups are coming up with innovative practices to enable the companies to manage the environmental issues effectively. Startups in India are leveraging significant agendas to measure, track & report the sustainability efforts of enterprises such as GRI – Global Reporting Initiative & B corporation certification.

New Delhi–based startup Carbon Trail acts as an AI-driven sustainability platform for brands in the fashion & retail sector. They help the retailers in tracking & measuring the environmental impact using high-tech data & technologies through solutions such as carbon accounting & de-carbonization. Similarly, SuperHumanRace, a sustainability-focused IT startup offers environmental reporting solutions such as ESG & CSR automation & SDGs for corporates across diverse verticals.