
Embrace the Secret Touch of Ayurveda through Ayurvedic Startups


India is a resourceful country with deep and rich heritage and culture. As a glorious South Asian country, India has marked its strong footprints as an affluent country due to its richness of culture and geographic location. Attracted by its vast pool of resources, numerous invaders and plunderers had attacked India in the ancient times and looted a lot of wealth but could not steal its invaluable cultural heritage. Starting from education, food habits, dresses, dance, and song in every aspect, India has marked excellence and set a burning example across the world.

Across 28 states of India, the differentiation of culture is very much evident. Veda is India’s one of the oldest book which is a collection of 1028 hymns called ‘Suktas’ and 10 books known as Mandalas. Veda is divided into four parts, Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda, and Atharvaveda. The entire part of Veda is written in Sanskrit which was spoken by Indo-European speaking people who were known as Arya. In this four Vedas, the Aryas have vastly elucidated about wide and discreet dimensions of Indian culture and traditions which homogenously blended Indian Philosophy, Medical Science, and Mythology.

Ayurveda is the amaze ball that connects nature with technology, heals your mind & body by deeply nourishing your soul & leading you towards a path of vitality

Ayurveda: The Oldest Secret of Care & Cure

Ayurveda is analytically described as the ‘Knowledge of Life’. Ayurveda is a part of Atharva Veda. Ayurveda contains a vast and deep knowledge of Indian ancient medicine system which depicts that disease is nothing but an imbalance or stress in a person’s conscious life which can be cured through certain lifestyle changes, natural therapies, and natural medicines. Ayurveda is widely practiced in Asian countries like Nepal and India, but by now its spark of excellence has expanded around every corner of the world.

Ayurveda says, our health is retaining a state of equilibrium which primarily depends on Doshas, Dhatu, Malas, and Agni. When the string of balance between these gets destroyed, our body tends to have certain ailments. The natural therapies in Ayurveda emboldens with internal purification process, followed by a special diet, herbal remedies, massage therapy, yoga, and meditation. This revives the balance between body, mind, spirit, and the environment.

In this fast contemporary life which is driven by social media and trapped by the twigs of corporate - mental illness, stress, and frustration became every day’s affair. In such a condition, taking harmful chemical medicines which will cast a side effect on our health is more dangerous than a snake’s bite. Natural, toxin free medicines, and therapies work the best to give us relief and cure us from within very effectively without casting any harmful side effects.

Previously, we were not at all concerned about these golden effects of Ayurveda and used to depend on poisonous modern medicines with toxic chemicals, but now with time leveraging the touch of technology, 5000 years old Ayurveda has become enriched being blended with medical science and created wonderful remedies for life.

The main concept of Ayurvedic medicine is based on three aspects, universal interconnectedness, the body's constitution (Prakriti), and life forces (doshas). Ayurveda introduces Yoga and Pranayama which help in reviving the health and maintain wellness. Ayurvedic treatments like Panchakarma, Mud Therapy, Acupuncture, and Shirodhara Treatment not only removes the stress but detox our body and rejuvenate our soul. Ayurveda promotes weight loss, digestion and bestows on us with the best version of ourselves.